SO CONFUSED (from a skinny-fat gal)

Hi everyone

ok here's the deal:
im female ,height: 5'3 weight: 116.6 pounds age: 17

i have been counting calories at a deficit for about a month now (netting around 1350-1500) but i decided i dont want to lose any more weight but instead want to build some muscle and strength (bc i have none). i think i am what most would describe as skinny-fat bc i am a healthy weight but i still have some flab/my body is quite soft. my goal is to gain some muscle and definition and just generally get a harder body...if that makes sense

this girl isnt me but this is kind of what im going for

to me it looks like she managed to gain some muslce while losing body fat? i could be wrong but my main problem is idk how much i am supposed to be eating. if i NET at my maintenance (around 1600-1800) work out at least 3x a week (i can go to a gym which offers circuit classes and has dumbells plus a pull up bar) will i see any results? im just not sure how much im supposed to eat as a TEENAGE GIRL looking to build a little muscle but not get fat (obvs). i dont mind counting calories but i want to know i am getting the right amount and im just so confused by all the contradicting info out there :S

im not completely inactive (i do general cardio and some strength) but i want to get into a proper routine for summer and hopefully build some strength and "tone up" (which i know is bull**** btw haha)

if anyone has any ideas of how many calories a teenage girl who is starting strength training should NET please let me know!