Feeling a little guilty

On July 4th my father-in-law had a massive heart attack, he is alive but is still fighting to stay that way. It's going to be a long recovery period. I feel guilty because I keep wondering how this is going to affect our trying to conceive. We've been trying for over a year and have an appointment at the top fertility clinic in Minnesota. I just feel so guilty worry about me during this time. Don't get me wrong I am very worried about my father-in-law and everyone in the family but I feel like I am suppose to put my worries about a baby aside but just can't seem to do it.


  • anditsbecca
    I feel like worrying about our own future is inevitable. No matter the circumstances.. these things will always be on our mind. I have been through some tough situations myself. With family issues and dealing with the loss of my husbands aunt just on May 27th (which happened to be the anniversary of my own sisters death), My brother going through difficult times with his own relationship etc.. etc. And in the middle of all that is going on. I still think... poor me. I can't get pregnant, and I feel sorry for myself. I feel that it is just natural to feel this way because we are so passionate about what we want and constantly daydream about. Trust me... I was up until 5:30am today. My husband come from the bed room and asks whats wrong and I say "you're going to think it's silly" and he replied "no, I won't." And I told him, that I've just been up daydreaming about what it would be like to be up at 5 am with our baby and that I wanted it so badly. And he just hugged me tight and said.. well.. we will try, and try again. :) Which is very comforting but I just feel so guilty sometimes with what everyone else is going through and all I can think about it that wishing for that lil baby in my belly. Don't be too hard on yourself. Your family knows that you love them. And try to stay as stress free as possible... I am always here to lend an ear (eye, lol) Good luck sweet heart and I will keep you in my thoughts and heart today!!
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    My father-in-law passed away a little over a week ago, we did go out our appointment the day after he died. But my mother-in-law has been talking about how much she wants grandchildren. I do think that she is trying to let me know that she does not think it's insensitive to be working about infertility right after her husband passed away. I hope we are able to bring some new joy into her life soon. She needs it.
  • dezbear
    dezbear Posts: 21
    It would be a great way to keep his memory alive by having a baby with your father-in-laws blood running through a new baby. So I don't think its insensitive at all.
  • anditsbecca
    I am sorry to see that WifeofPJ. I'll hold you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure your Mother-in-law not only wants grandchildren, She knows how badly you want a family yourself. This could be her way of encouraging you to contiue to pursue your goals and dreams. It is kind of hard to know how to feel in these ceartain situations. As dezbear said, it would be a very special way to keep his memory alive..