Welcome Back Auna!!!

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member


I received a terrific email today...Auna is back from her trip! Long time Challenge-A-Day group members know Auna very well already. Every day, month after month, and now for several years, Auna has led this group creating new, creative and fun daily challenges for the thousands of people who are part of the Challenge-A-Day group.

But since we have lots of new members here for Sit Less Boot Camp, I wanted to introduce you to Auna. She and I have jointly created Sit Less Boot Camp and she's a pleasure to work with.

Auna will resume posting the daily challenges typically in the early hours of the morning (1 or 2 am Eastern US time). And I'll still be here...chiming in on occasion and just so impressed with your energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to build a better life for yourself!

Welcome Back Auna!