05/06 Friday Day 6 SLBC

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member

Stressed? Take five!

Stress is an inevitable part of our lives and it also has terrible health consequences. Sometimes a short walking break is all that's needed to bring our stress levels way down. So today, when you feel stressed, take a quick 5 or 10 minute break and go for a quick walk. If you can walk outside, even better! And if you are a stress eater, cultivating the habit of walking (or any activity) when you are stressed instead of eating is a great way to shed more pounds.

Alternative Challenge:
Make a bingo sheet filled with physical activities and try to finish as many as you can.


  • ejcook22
    ejcook22 Posts: 5 Member
    I have found that short podcasts are a good motivator for me to get out and walk twice during my work day. two short walks about 15-30 minutes each really help break up the monotony of a desk job.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,348 Member
    This is a great suggestion. Even a walk around the room helps with this.
  • saladspinner1
    saladspinner1 Posts: 7 Member
    I find a short walk outside in the fresh air is time well spent.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited May 2016
    Me too. When I'm stressed, need a shift in focus, or am wrapping up one project before starting another one, I always try to head out for a walk.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Taking time right now.
  • curleytop60
    curleytop60 Posts: 27 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    I know this works for me. I just need to remember to give myself permission to take the time. If it gets my stress level down and/or gets me unstuck, it is definitely time well spent.

  • curleytop60
    curleytop60 Posts: 27 Member
    Did my walking while catching up on some mopping.
  • memery7
    memery7 Posts: 236 Member
    This does help.
  • jlperiard
    jlperiard Posts: 107 Member
    May is a very stressful, busy month for me and June as well. My biggest issue is getting started and doing what needs to be done. Today I did a lot of running around that I was putting off. In and out of the van several times. I parked further away and walked to my destinations.
    Deep breathing helps me de-stress as well. I haven't experienced the stress relief of exercise yet but I can think of several occasions that I wish I had a punching ball.
  • hollyhock1009
    hollyhock1009 Posts: 135 Member
    3 times this week I turned a normal activity into a walk of about a mile. I live in an apt building. It's so easy to just take the elevator down to get the mail. Instead I now go outside and do about a 10-12 block square (close to a mile) to get back to the lobby and pick up my mail. One day I turned a 1 block walk to the corner store into the same 10 -12 block walk, getting to the store just before coming home.
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I am going to start walking more. I want to walk on a trail this weekend. Maybe, today and tomorrow. Tuesday, I will be walking a trail with my neice.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,348 Member
    I had an unexpected opportunity for activity this afternoon. My daughters brought me a lime tree as an early Mother's Day present, so we spent awhile digging and planting. I'm very excited about this addition to my citrus garden.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited May 2016
    Happy to see so many walkers in our group! I love walking on trails too and @77tes a lime tree is a lovely Mother's Day gift.

    @hollyhock1009, you hit on something really key, I think. Adding almost a mile to your mail pick-up makes it a great healthy activity and doing it several times a week makes it a habit. There's a whole website devoted to "Let's Make Our Day Harder" and encouraging folks to look for ways to be more active. It makes a huge difference!

    Here's their video:


  • hollyhock1009
    hollyhock1009 Posts: 135 Member
    I enjoyed the video - I love stuff by Dr Mike Evans. He explains things so simply, but all good points.
    I had realized all of this last week. After retiring I had worked hard to make my life as simple as possible. Then realized that that was not so good. I am realizing now that my 'job' now is to make myself healthier.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,348 Member
    This video reminded me to share one of my tricks. I don't like going up stairs too much -it is hard on my old knees, so I use the handicap ramps on my school's hilly campus. The thing is that those ramps always require more steps - lots more and since they are less frequented and built into the hillsides, they also provide wildlife interactions (mini nature hike). One ramp we call the "bunny trail" because it is frequented with cottontails, not to mention lizards and families of quail this time of year. :)