Our group conference after our Friday's weigh ins

stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
edited May 2016 in Social Groups
Hello everybody !
Let's talk about today.
Who lost the most weight today


  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    Thank you everybody for participation!!!
    And remember - nobody will b left behind till we all lose all extra pounds!
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    Next question:
    Can we talk about people like me, who didn't lost weight or they aren't comfortable about it?
  • cynbet69
    cynbet69 Posts: 615 Member
    i didnt cause i havent made the right food choices but tried to stay within my calories and worked out
  • mitsimr
    mitsimr Posts: 194 Member
    The group is a great cheerleader squad but it's for times like that I think this group is best. So we can cheer each other up when we are disappointed and to motivate one another. Yall have this. Do not give up. We need you. We all are going to have off weeks.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Like i said in weigh in i gained but afraid to look, clothes tighter. Company for 4 days both last weekend and this with tons of eating out and birthday cake etc.

    I wanted to lose weight for overall health but also for Hawaii trip and we leave Friday and i have gained instead of lost. Trying not to get down on myself.

    Just hope once vacation is over to try again.
  • SimplySmylin
    SimplySmylin Posts: 66 Member
    I know for me, it's difficult when you don't lose anything or you gain, when you did everything you were supposed to. It's one thing if you indulged and had those results. But, that was last week and this is this week and I'm just going to keep on trying. Something has to give at sometime, right? :#
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    Like i said in weigh in i gained but afraid to look, clothes tighter. Company for 4 days both last weekend and this with tons of eating out and birthday cake etc.

    I wanted to lose weight for overall health but also for Hawaii trip and we leave Friday and i have gained instead of lost. Trying not to get down on myself.

    Just hope once vacation is over to try again.

    Have a wonderful vacation, then check in here, we will talk it over, please don't dissapear, we need you with us!❤️
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    We all have times where we over indulge, or even when we are really good - and the scales don't change. It's a common if all too frustrating event.
    But - if you know you're not following your diet.. not because you had an opportunity to eat something you shouldn't - but because you know your heart isn't in it, then that's the time you have to take notice.

    Sometimes i'ts better to quit trying to find a diet to follow altogether and just go back to basics. Calorie counting, and logging and weighing all your food. Sometimes keeping it simple is the best route.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Not disappearing I am a fighter! Went for walk today and trying to cut back on calories.
  • cynbet69
    cynbet69 Posts: 615 Member
    hi everyone havent been on here due to being sick hope i feel better by the end of the week great job to everyone
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    Feel better and eat well and have some vitamin C and fresh air!!
    We care about you!
  • valerieblaydes
    valerieblaydes Posts: 158 Member
    I'm already excited for Friday. I've definitely lost this week. I peeked at the scale...I didn't log any changes because I don't want to ruin next Friday, but I am feeling very motivated. Betsy will get her man soon.

    That being said, I'm putting all my emotional energy toward anyone who's having a rough week or a rough day. This group is our rock.
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    I weigh every morning on hubby's awesome scale - it is entirely too accurate, but the daily feedback is important for me. I am not yet conscious enough about eating throughout the day - although I am working out consistently and still have a calorie deficit, it isn't the level I want. It only works when I record the meals as they are eaten. I tried planning a whole day's meals in advance, but end up making substitutions at least once, although I stay closer to my goal calories of 1383.
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    My weigh-ins are Fridays but today I stepped on the scale and I get to say goodbye to the 250s.....I am so excited!
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    My weigh-ins are Fridays but today I stepped on the scale and I get to say goodbye to the 250s.....I am so excited!

    So happy for you!!
  • shawna_25
    shawna_25 Posts: 84 Member
    My weigh-ins are Fridays but today I stepped on the scale and I get to say goodbye to the 250s.....I am so excited!

    Congrats!! That is so awesome!!
  • FitMeBetter
    FitMeBetter Posts: 64 Member
    I'm already excited for Friday. I've definitely lost this week. I peeked at the scale...I didn't log any changes because I don't want to ruin next Friday, but I am feeling very motivated. Betsy will get her man soon.

    That being said, I'm putting all my emotional energy toward anyone who's having a rough week or a rough day. This group is our rock.

    Congrats in advance, Valerie! I guess the extra energy you are sending out is for people like me. I am struggling with food (bingeing) at the end of the day. So frustrating because I do so well, stay on track and eat healthy all day and afternoon. I'm not over-restricting, but I find myself grabbing cereal, nuts, chocolate, and the like, and stuffing my face! It's like I go into a trance, and it is so confusing and disappointing. Just can't figure out what's driving this.

    So thanks for thinking of those of us who are having a rough couple of days. I will NOT quit!
    And, yes, I love this group!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    shawna_25 wrote: »
    My weigh-ins are Fridays but today I stepped on the scale and I get to say goodbye to the 250s.....I am so excited!

    Congrats!! That is so awesome!!

    Thank you!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    stesig13 wrote: »
    My weigh-ins are Fridays but today I stepped on the scale and I get to say goodbye to the 250s.....I am so excited!

    So happy for you!!

    Thank you!