Mother's Day Races

Anyone else running a race tomorrow? I'm running one of my favorite 10k's of the year and despite succumbing to a stupid head cold this week I'm really excited! Last year I actually won the race (for the women) with my 2 daughters and mom and mother-in-law there to cheer me on. Cant think of a better way to spend Mothers Day for me :) I dont have a shot at winning it this year as a girl I know who can run a 38min 10k has entered. But I always try to remind myself its about running your own race and I will be focusing on beating last years time and having fun!! Last years time was 46:07 and my 10k PR is 44:29.

So is anyone else running tomorrow too? Would love to cheer you on!


  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    @pearlica I actually ran a 5K race today. Well, I actually walked/light jogged it. It's a race to raise awareness for ovarian cancer. It's my 2nd year doing it, and it's great. I always feel so inspired seeing all those survivors participating.

    Hope your race was fantastic and you were able to place. That's impressive by the way.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @pearlica I ran a 5k with my mom today. Laced her to a 33:39 finish. A new PR for her
  • 19MotherRunner80
    19MotherRunner80 Posts: 37 Member
    @Laughter_Girl - that is awesome. I always do the run for the cure and its so emotional and inspiring when they do the survivors walk! Way to go!

    @MNLittleFinn - aw, that is an awesome thing to do with your mom :) I love when my daughter runs with me. I'm sure she was so proud to be running with you!

    My race was tough physically and mentally. It was hot and windy and I struggled a bit. But I ended up placing 1st for my age division and 6th overall so I that was nice! I wrote a race-recap on my blog: :)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @pearlica Great job on getting first in your AG!

    My mom is getting back into running/working out again. I'm encouraging her to work toward being able to run a 10k by autumn. She has MS, so I'm encouraging her to make slow increases in her running, to gauge how she feels, with the ultimate goal of the two of us running a half together sometime next year.