05/16 Monday Day 16 SLBC

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member

Make it Better For You, Not Easier

People who are committed to an active lifestyle look for ways to be more active and get more steps in throughout the day. They don't settle for the easy shortcut. So today, try to make things just a little more difficult for yourself. Park further away from your building, make several passes through the grocery store aisles, put the laundry away in several trips rather than one huge basket load. Walk over to talk to your co-workers instead of sending them an email. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. These kind of things may seem small and of little impact, but taken together our labor saving devices and behaviors contribute significantly to obesity and sedentary living. Let's break the cycle.

Alternative Challenge:
Try setting up a more active morning and evening routine. When you get up in the morning try going for a 5 minute walk or add a few yoga stretches to your evening to relax you and make it easier to sleep. If you like watching TV at night, get up and walk around during commercials. It makes a big difference!


  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I'm having my son over for dinner tonight. I made spaghetti sauce yesterday. I bought a spiralizer this fall, and I'm going to spiralize zucchini for my spaghetti (it's really not bad), and serve regular spaghetti to my son and husband. I walk into work and back to the bus after work. It's about a 30 minute walk total. I've been doing this for about 2 years now. I think that I'll ask my son and husband to go for a walk after dinner tonight for some additional exercise! Have a great day everyone!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    I am going to walk today and sign up for a gym membership.
  • scubakat67
    scubakat67 Posts: 485 Member
    Ooh! Yay! I'm ahead of the game on this one! I got my bum out of bed this morning for a quick workout (Prevention Fit in 10) and some good morning stretching. A great accomplishment since I probably only got a couple hours of sleep in last night.
  • karbruce
    karbruce Posts: 73 Member
    This group has really helped me do this already. I am taking the long way whenever I go to do anything at work (bathroom break, fax etc) and when I go see my hubby at the hospital I take the stairs up to his floor. I am already noticing a difference.
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    Been focusing on getting up every hour today! Having some pain in my back, so it's a little more difficult to walk far today. Still going for a little walk in about an hour though- my chiropractor says that movement is better than no movement :)
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,040 Member
    Parking further away is great! My husband has always parked at the far end of any lot to save his beloved car from door dings. It used to annoy me, but now I do the same (except when I'll be leaving late at night). Putting away laundry with many steps is also a great plan. My mom used to call over filling my arms with stuff a "lazy man's load." Of course Mom was right.
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    Chiropractor did his thing but my back is still feeling sore. Not gonna make my 10000 steps today; 7000 will have to be enough. Still got my one thing done!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Terrific day, Everyone! @betsym3, I hope you were able to nudge your DH and son to go for a walk. @prgirl39mfp, great job on the walk and signing up for the gym. @scubakat67, great commitment to workout despite the lack of sleep (hope tonight is better). @kabruce70, I'm glad this group is helping and you can already see a difference. @meganepreston, great job moving despite the back pain. My husband picked up a free inversion table and it's really helped his back pain. @77tes, I also love parking further away...the steps add up and my parking skills are not the best. :)
  • memery7
    memery7 Posts: 236 Member
    I walk up the escalator when I go to work as long as there aren't people riding it ahead of me. Today it was broken so everyone had to walk up. I just tried to do it a little faster today. I also made putting up clothes harder this afternoon.
  • jlperiard
    jlperiard Posts: 107 Member
    I've been getting up more often today. Putting stuff away, hanging up coats and wiggling my butt around the house. LOL