Meal planning

GabiNK Posts: 4 Member
Do you meal plan? If so, what websites/plans do you use? I'm trying to find something that's easy to followc and stays within the challenge's macronutrient guidelines.


  • arymando26
    arymando26 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in need of help too ! Any suggestions will be appreciated
  • GabiNK
    GabiNK Posts: 4 Member
    I downloaded a meal planning app called Eat This Much that someone posted about on FB. It's supposed to give you a meal plan based on macros, total caloric intake and diet preferences. Looks pretty cool so far but I'll really have to try it to see.
  • fnesbitt8628
    fnesbitt8628 Posts: 1 Member
    Any more info on the meal planning app, GabiNK?