katerbug1979 Posts: 3 Member
Yuck! Just have to share....I am almost 6 weeks post op. Doing great, just saw the doc and he asked about reflux and I said, Nile no real issues unless I eat a new food that doesn't sit well.....

EXCEPT I forgot I've still been sleeping in a recliner due to some hip/back issues. I fell asleep in my daughters bed last night, and holy moly, woke up after about an hour with what must have been my entire stomach contents in my gross I know, sorry...but it was awful!!!

Took me an hour to recover, and puked for my first time since surgery!! It was so disgusting.

I know (1) I ate to close to bed time and (2) if I had been on an incline in the chair it would not have happened.... But it was def a wake up call to me that stomach acid is def an issue!!! (Despite my recent denial!)

Anyone have success with OTC meds? Or you think I should just call doc about getting a script??


  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    I haven't had the reflux but have thrown up several times when something doesn't agree. I read about chewable papaya enzyme and that has worked wonders so you may be able to get some. Good luck!
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    I use omeprazole OTC. I've not had an issue that bad, thankfully. I'm now down to one pill every 2 - 3 days as needed. When I feel the churn start, the next day I take one.

    I've also heard about the papaya enzymes. People swear by them for those times something feels stuck. I've not had that issue either *pounding on wood* so I haven't sought them out, but feel like I should to have them on hand...

    Either way, I hope you figure it out soon. GERD is miserable. Sometimes with VSG it gets worse... :(
  • katerbug1979
    katerbug1979 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the reply! Will be trying the omeprazole...tums is not cutting it

    It's gotten to the point the past couple days that I sort of dread eating because I know the churning and burn is coming.

    Iv gone back to soups/cut breads to try and help too
  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    Don't have GERD but have used the papaya enzyme which is awesome! I had a hard time digesting meats so I went back to soups and higher carb items just to eat..but am gradually getting meat in. Good luck and keep us posted as to how you are doing!