28 Days Left

Alioth Posts: 571 Member
Hi, everybody! I just thought I would let you guys know that I'm still alive and hanging in there. I got super stressed out, sick, and overwhelmed a few months ago and dropped off the radar. Also, the internet at my house wasn't working too well. My weight has actually gone up a few pounds since January, not down. >__<; I know it's water weight from a medication. Boo!

But I have been faithful with my workouts. The gym is my peaceful part of my day. I've toned up quite a bit thanks to strength training! One of my goals was to tone my upper arms and back so I don't have flab bulging out the top of my strapless dress. I have achieved this goal! Haha! :D My fiancé has become my gym buddy. I hope we can keep working out together after we get married.

I'm really having fun with some of the aspects of wedding planning, but stressing out over the reception. I am waiting on cheap party tents from Ebay to arrive in the mail so I can set them up as a practice. I read on the comments for these tents that a stiff breeze will blow them over. I'm hoping for a calm evening with no rain.

I changed my food menu away from hors d'oeuvres to pork tacos with mango slaw, bbq chicken, corn on the cob, baked beans, and tortilla chips. I changed my party favors from chocolate espresso beans to glow bracelets, glow swords, ring toss games and glow wands for the tables

My bridesmaids are taking me to the beach for a weekend soon. I'm super excited about that! Beach workouts are the best!

I'm cheering you guys on as you get fit for your weddings. Good luck!


  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    I hear you with stress and fun! I've got 6 days now and I feel sick, but I feel like I should feel great as I am doing this because I wanted to it!!!
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Whoa! 28 days which would now be about 14-15 days now! Have you been having dreams? I just hit the 99 day mark and I have been horribly sick the last 4-5 days and during that time on cold meds and feeling miserable I had wedding dreams!?!

    I've been HORRIBLY absent lately...so just catching up! Hoping to see some photos of @fitfor30th and her nuptials!

    Hope you are hanging in there and not too stressed @Alioth!