Just synced my fitbit and mfp

hokiemom14 Posts: 105 Member
Hi All, I just synced my fitbit charge hr and mfp. Does this mean that I should no longer have to enter my exercise into mfp? I just went on a long long and it looks like it counted many of my burned calories from the fitbit, but not all of them. It also just has the calories listed and does not say what I did (obviously it doesn't know), but is there a way for me to log what I did? I don't want to count my exercise 2X. Thanks for any info on this.


  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    I would recommend that you read the FAQ found in the stickies. It answers these questions, and many more.

    The short answer is that no, you don't need to log your exercise in MFP. Either let your Fitbit handle it, or for things it can't handle (swimming, weight lifting, etc.), log them in Fitbit. If you want a post about your exercise in MFP, do one manually.

    The "Fitbit Calorie Adjustment" you get in MFP when you have your Fitbit account connected is not the calories you burn exercising. Instead, it is the difference between how many calories MFP thinks you will burn that day (based on your stats, including activity level) and what Fitbit says you've burned (the rest of the day is projected out as if you'll burn calories at the MFP rate). To see this calculation, go to the MFP Exercise page (or your diary on the mobile app) and click on the little 'i' next to the Fitbit Calorie Adjustment (in the mobile app, touch the adjustment and hold or touch again). The number incorporates both your exercise and how active you've been when not exercising.
  • hokiemom14
    hokiemom14 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm not even seeing where I can find that. I'll keep looking and hopefully be able to understand everything :) Thanks.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Top of almost every forum or group in MFP (actually most discussion boards on the internet) - has a group of posts that always stays at the top for easy finding - "sticky".
    That is usually where FAQ's are found for the group or topic.

    Not sure how it appears in the app - I'm guessing not as easy as it should be.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Here's a handy link to the FAQ: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10098937/faq-syncing-logging-food-exercise-calorie-adjustments-activity-levels-accuracy/p1

    I used to routinely post that when I suggested reading the FAQ, but then I rearranged my bookmarks and accidentally deleted it, so I stopped posting the link. I've now restored my bookmark.