25-30 carb grams day?

breeze2977 Posts: 2 Member
Does anyone eat that amount and if they do can we be friends/I'm so confused on what that eating would look like
HW 280
SW 254
CW 178


  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Hi! I am trying to stay with 30/50 g carbs (30 net or 50 total). It's the only way that I will lose. It is really hard though! Everything (almost!) has carbs. I have to supplement with protein drinks to keep the carb count down. Good luck! :smile:
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I have been at 20gm, or less, for over a year. I don't log my food anymore (didn't feel I was learning anymore from it), but did through last June. I eat meat, eggs, cheese, heavy whipping cream (in my coffee), butter...rarely veggies, and no fruit (there's enough carbs that I get a headache!). I have found that anything from a box, or bag, creates a pain response, so I avoid them! I've lost 58 pounds since beginning, and am 5 pounds away from a normal BMI!! I never got here with WLS!!

    Remember, when going low carb you need to replace the calories with fat, or you will be hungry. Fat creates satiety that's amazing! And please don't fear fat (as we have been brainwashed to do)! It's your friend and DOESN'T CAUSE HEART DISEASE! Do your research on this, and be informed!

    There is a wonderful, active group of low carb folks in the LCD/Low Carber Daily group, if you want to check them out! I'm open to new friends too! :smiley:
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    Low carb diets are tough to stick to. I applaud anyone who can. Remember you'll be giving up fruit so make sure to get your supplements in or else you make lack the proper nutrients in your diet. Personally, I try to stay away from "bad" carbs and too many processed foods. That's what seems to work best for me. @Karlottap is right, don't fear FAT. It's not nearly as bad as once thought.
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    In the beginning up to around 7 months I was lower than 30 carbs, I still struggle to meet my carb goals - however I will say everyone is different - without carbs my weight loss stalls, I have found that a good balance of healthy carbs, protein and fats is what works best for my body. Good luck in your quest, is there a reason you are wanting to go so low in carbs?