Sit Less Boot Camp Impact and Thanks!

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
edited May 2016 in Social Groups
Hi Everyone,

As May's Sit Less Boot Camp draws to a close, @Auna37 and I wanted to share with you some information about this month's challenge and the collective impact we've had in sitting less and moving more.

At least 166 My Fitness Pal members participated in one form or another in May's Sit Less Boot Camp.
I say "at least" because the true number is higher since some people prefer to participate anonymously and we can't measure that. This is by far the largest group we've had and Auna and I are just thrilled! Clearly, sitting disease and sitting less are issues many MFPers care about.

Many of you also took the additional step of creating your own customized sit less plan and selecting a target for reducing your daily sitting (recall the Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels). If you joined us late or missed this post and would like to be included in the group total, there's still time. Here's the link:

Collectively, our group has pledged to reduce their sitting time by 18,967 hours by year! That's pretty amazing!

The most popular actions for sitting less (from those who created their sit less plan) are:
  • Setting a reminder to move more at work.
  • Reducing TV time and/or getting up and walking during commercials. surprise here!
  • Spending more time cleaning/straightening up/organizing at home.

Here is our summary image that will soon be proudly displayed on the Quitting the Sitting website for all to see. Thanks to everyone who participated!


Just a Final Note:

Even though Sit Less Boot Camp for this month is ending, the daily challenges will continue! Auna does a wonderful job of coming up with interesting, fun, and exciting daily challenges that work the body, mind, and spirit! So while you may have found the Challenge-A-Day group because of Sit Less Boot Camp, please stay with us and let's encourage each other to improve ourselves a little each day.

This last image pretty much sums it up for me. It's as applicable to sitting less as it is for good health.

It's not about the chair. It's about the life we gain, the life we create for ourselves, and the opportunities that open up for us when we decide to sit less.


Auna and Denise



  • CherylPierce
    CherylPierce Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you both for challenging and encouraging us! I plan to keep the sit-less life going! :smiley:
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Thanks for this. It has helped me tremendously.
  • hollyhock1009
    hollyhock1009 Posts: 135 Member
    Thank you. Participating in this made me very aware of how much I had been sitting. As a new retiree I was planning a relaxing, catching up, simple life. But now I see that my 'next job' is really to stay fit and healthy and I need to keep active to do that. I need to balance the sitting with the moving. It's always about balance!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,039 Member
    This has been a great challenge, and May is a challenging month for me - lots of grading of papers, so I especially needed the community support to keep moving. Many thanks to @Auna37 and @themedalist for posting such great challenges. And many thanks for the other members of this boot camp. Some of you gave me great ideas.
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Thank you, Thank you Thank you. And a special thank you for the final image, it's something I need to keep reminding myself. It's not a number I am chasing, it's better health and the better life I will get from that.
  • jlperiard
    jlperiard Posts: 107 Member
    This has been a very, very rewarding experience for me. I have become aware that I am now able to move more. The quote above has a very emotional meaning for me. It's not just about moving and being active but, for me, most of all it's about regaining and finally living my life.
    Thank you for changing me for the better.