What is your warm up routine?

spritey86 Posts: 70 Member
I do 5-10 mins on a bike or elliptical and then warm up with the empty bar and progressive weight addition until i am at 5x5 weight (as recommended by Mehdi).

Just curious how everybody else warms up as a PT told me to do 20 reps on a light weight to get the blood to the muscles and then do my 5x5 weight.


  • ZRx4
    ZRx4 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi, my warmups are piyo, about 20 mins or so. Sometimes more. Then straight into the weights, for me.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I do defranco's agile 8 and simple 6 slightly modified then start with the bar and increase to my working weights. If I have to train before work for some reason I add 5-8 minutes of arc/bike/rower before mobility work.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    for upper body i do at least three sets of 12-15 shoulder circles with the broomstick. religiously.
    slightly less religiously i do 10-12 pulls with resistance bands too, in between those. my trainer also insists on his people doing more sets of pulls while resting between bench and press sets to keep the 'antagonist' muscles in the rear rotator cuff and upper back working well the whole time.

    everything else i'm sort of as-needed and sloppy about since my body changes on me all the time. i do bike to workouts - about a mile to the rec centre and three or four miles to the trainer (some weeks), but lately i've been thinking that doesn't get the blood moving or my body physically warmed up enough. i've been experimenting this week with mark bell's idea 'you can do too many reps in a light warmup set. you can never do too many sets if that's what you need. just so long as you stick with 5 reps or less in each set.'

    i'm also experimenting with putting more speed into my warmup sets - assuming my form is already okay enough, of course. i constantly notice that i leave the gym feeling like 'warm and moving well' hasn't even happened until the workout was already done.
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    I just do 5 mins elliptical then some dynamic stretches. But for my squat and dl I do a handful with just the bar first - I feel it helps with form.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Depends on the day. I should do something like agile 8 but am lazy. If it's a work day and I'm going after work, then I spend pretty much 8 hours on my feet doing stuff, so I just do warm ups on my first movement with the bar and work my way up from there. Non-work or before going in, then I might do 10 minutes on elliptical first. Have done some band pulls, arm circles and such on occasion but not consistent to really say that I do them.
  • 5minty
    5minty Posts: 85 Member
    err, I don't have one! I do a few stretches and as I'm getting my phone/book ready I'll squat down and fiddle with the phone/book until I am all set to go- maybe that is why I have stalled out on progressing lately! Perhaps I should do more of a warm up!!
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    I looked at Agile 8. It looks like a good, comprehensive warm-up mobility routine. I can feel tightness in my knee area. I thought my knees were tweaked, even though they never hurt when lifting.
    I used the foam roller, just on a whim (I've had it and not used it :# ) But, it really did wonders for my legs and knees! Do, when I saw that Agile 8 includes it, I wanted to try it. Also, it doesn't look time consuming, as lifting in the very early AM, I have no "spare" time.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    edited June 2016
    I warm up by getting dressed, hah. Mostly I don't do anything beyond starting with the empty bar. Maybe a little bit of leg swings and goblet squats. I should totally do a bit more, especially when I'm working out first thing in the morning and it's freezy.

    I just looked up Agile 8, I should totally do that.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I have an app called "workouts" on my phone - you can do a 10, 20, 30 min. workout. You can choose the part of your body you want (abs, arms, legs, etc.) or you can just do 'full' which is what I do for 10 minutes. Sometimes I'm sweating by the end of 10 minutes depending on the movements, but it's really nice. I don't have to think - and since it's 5:30am, that's handy. It includes exercises like crunches, planks, plank jacks, leg lifts, tricep curls, pushups, step-ups, etc. It varies each time, so it doesn't get boring. If I'm running behind (wake up late), I just do the SL warm-up lifts with the bar and then get right to it. Either way I seem to be fine, but the 10 minute routine does help wake me up some (even though I don't generally want to do it). Oh and if they throw any squat related movement at me, I just step over to my bar and use that 30 seconds to do some of the squat warmups with the bar instead (so no squat jacks, goblet squats, floor-to-ceiling jumps, etc.). I figure I'm about to punish my legs with real squats and a lot of weight, I don't want to wear them out on squat jacks, etc. (plus I hate all squat-related things with the fire of 1000 suns, so there's that).
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I stretch or do a 10 minute warm up Fitstar routine.