
Hi! I'm Katie and I'm getting married in either May or June of 2017 (we haven't picked a date yet). I am hoping to lose 20 lbs before September when I'm planning to buy my dress. From there I want to maintain my weight until after the wedding when I'll hopefully lose more (I don't want major alterations on my dress).

Start weight (June 2): 194.0
Goal weight (September 1): 174.0

What are your goals?


  • fabsony
    fabsony Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Katie! We will be getting married in Oct 2018. I know that's a long way away but losing weight has never been that easy for me so I figure start now and hopefully I will be good by then! ;) My ultimate weight goal is to lose 50 lbs to be within what is considered ideal for my height (at 160). At the minimum, I want to be down 30 lbs by the wedding (and I guess by proxy, when I go dress shopping).

    Start weight (June 20): 95 Kg/209 lbs
    Minimum weight goal: 81 Kg/180 lbs
    Ultimate weight goal: 72 Kg/160 lbs

    Good luck!
  • katiemiller1994
    katiemiller1994 Posts: 10 Member
    So June was a great month of weight loss for me, but July has been terrible. I stopped tracking my food for a while there and haven't lost anything this month other than the 2 lbs that I had gained at the very beginning of the month. I'm starting dress shopping a little earlier than anticipated (due to great sales), so I'm hoping to lose a little more before I have to make a decision.

    Highest Weight (April 30): 201.0
    Start Weight (June 2): 194.0
    Current Weight (July 18): 186.5
    Goal Weight (September 1): 174.0

    Lost so far total: 14.5 lbs
    Lost since June 2: 7.5 lbs
    Still to lose: 12.5 lbs