06/04 Saturday Day 389

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Morning, Everyone! It's finally the weekend and we are going to use it to our advantage! It's storm season and I don't want any of you under prepared.

Today's Challenge:
Go over your storm plans with your family and see what you have in case something happens.

If tornadoes are a big thing in your area, today would be a good day to see where you would go if one happened and what you have stocked away. It's always good to have the essentials put away somewhere because you never know how long you may be trapped!


  • hollyhock1009
    hollyhock1009 Posts: 135 Member
    I have already been working on this - but thanks for reminding us to be prepared for these things.
    We don't have a lot of issues here in southern Ont., however I always remember Aug 2003 when we had that massive power outage that lasted 4 days, for much of Ontario, and even into some states, and it affected us in all ways.
    Now I live in a 10th floor apt. I know I can get out okay - down the stairs, but coming back up would be very hard on my arthritic knees, so if I go down, I probably won't be coming back up until the elevators are running. So leaving is my last resort. And my car will be trapped in the underground parking.
    My son thinks I can just go over there - fine, but he relies on cell phones - so our only contact is if they are charged. I try to keep mine charged, but I also have an old fashioned corded phone, which will work with no electricity.
    So I have been very aware of things I would need and try to keep stock of extra provisions and foods not needing cooking, and boxed milk, water etc. Also an extra bag of seeds for my birds etc. (Plus I need to stay here to look after them - unless I can move them too.)

    Back in the original outage, I lost all of the food in my fridge and freezer. Many people barbecued meals, but I had no barbecue then - and can't have one here in my apt., so I will mostly be relying on canned goods or frozen things that can be eaten cold. I have a box under my bed with my emergency stuff.
    I have flashlights ready all over plus flameless candles and lots of batteries. Lots of things to read, to entertain myself, when it's light out. If my car wasn't trapped in the underground parking I'd make sure there was always sufficient gas in it. Some times having cash available is handy, since the bank machines no longer working - but many stores closed, since they could not see unless they had generators. Much food was lost, so there was nothing to buy. (I'm just glad it happened in summer.)
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I live in New England. No tornadoes coming that I know of, but we will have rain Sunday according to the forecast. We do occasionally get small tornadoes here though. I think that I have plenty of food on hand, but not water. My husband usually has a flashlight ready to use, but we could certainly improve. I'll think about a plan this weekend. I have a lot of candles too.

    Today, we plan on going over to visit my daughter and son-in-law. They are having a yard sale, and we may go out in their new boat later. Hope that everyone has a great weekend and that no bad storms come to pass.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Great challenge, Auna. We are usually pretty well prepared with water and flashlights. Which has come in handy because we used to lose electricity fairly regularly before the power company upgraded the lines.

    One thing I highly recommend is getting a decent sized battery to power electronics. I bought mine at Walgreen's for $30 and it will recharge my phone something like 5 or 7 times.

  • CherylPierce
    CherylPierce Posts: 73 Member
    How funny that you should have this challenge today! I am standing at my kitchen counter right now, putting batteries in 6 LED emergency lights that I bought this week. :smiley:

    My next challenge today will be a bit counter-productive. The Hubster and I are going out for all-you-can-eat sushi and then a movie. How much sushi can I eat and still walk into the theater? LOL!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,039 Member
    Great challenge - here in L.A., it is earthquake preparedness that we worry about. I used to be in charge of Earthquake prep for a K-12 school, so a household is a breeze. ;)