What's bugging you?

mitsimr Posts: 194 Member
A place to rant!!!!


  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    Donald Trump, really?
    He hates women....
  • valerieblaydes
    valerieblaydes Posts: 158 Member
    Agreed. He is the worst possible face we could show the rest of the world!
  • karenenriquez1225
    karenenriquez1225 Posts: 98 Member
    Well, I don't usually rant. This is more of a lament. I joined a Paleo/Primal support group and I guess it was a mistake. I assumed everyone was as nice/supportive as in this group...ummm...no. Check out the thread: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10405942/primal-sweet-snacks#latest

    Is it me?? Did I say something wrong?? I was just asking a question as I am new to Primal. I know it shouldn't bother me. It kinda does. Some 'support' group...sheesh. :(
  • valerieblaydes
    valerieblaydes Posts: 158 Member
    Ugh, so rude. I think FWIW they are responding to a pattern of people asking those questions, not you specifically, but it's not welcoming at all.

    *Have* you read the whole book? It sounds similar to the frustration I used to feel when people thought I couldn't eat fruits and veggies on Atkins. Atkins' books talk so much about how to choose your fruits and veggies, but there are A LOT of people doing "Atkins" who have never read any of his books. They're living on bacon and eggs and Diet Coke and they don't exercise. They may be accustomed to newbies asking those questions without truly understanding the program.

    Think you're just fine without those $&@holes. Stay with us <3
  • karenenriquez1225
    karenenriquez1225 Posts: 98 Member
    Guess lower carbs makes for some grumpies... :D:D:D
    Thank you for your kind response, Valerie. You're right I'll stay right here and no where else. People be crazy....
  • fwitsend1277
    fwitsend1277 Posts: 288 Member
    There's just no need for that in a support group
  • mitsimr
    mitsimr Posts: 194 Member
    Wow.....people can be so self righteous in the boards too. I dont understand why People feel the need to be such aholes.
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    Aww i was only a couple of people - there's some in every group (apart from ours) you didn't do anything wrong really. It's just Paleo/Primal are more geared towards eating for life and the people in there can get quite arsey when you're trying to use it as a weight loss tool... having said that though loads of people do lose weight and Marks Sisson does recommend certain carb levels for weight loss so don't know why they have to get like that with you. I do second reading the Primal Blueprint book though - it's well worth a read. Go onto Marks Daily Apple for some info too. I think it could help :)
  • karenenriquez1225
    karenenriquez1225 Posts: 98 Member
    Aww i was only a couple of people - there's some in every group (apart from ours) you didn't do anything wrong really. It's just Paleo/Primal are more geared towards eating for life and the people in there can get quite arsey when you're trying to use it as a weight loss tool... having said that though loads of people do lose weight and Marks Sisson does recommend certain carb levels for weight loss so don't know why they have to get like that with you. I do second reading the Primal Blueprint book though - it's well worth a read. Go onto Marks Daily Apple for some info too. I think it could help :)

    Yup, I have read the book, pop into the the Daily Apple as well. I also am fond of the podcasts too. I just didn't share, I don't really think that particular commentor really cared. That board is not terribly active and I can guess why. No worries. I like it here where the grass is greener and everyone is friendly. :smiley:
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    Aww i was only a couple of people - there's some in every group (apart from ours) you didn't do anything wrong really. It's just Paleo/Primal are more geared towards eating for life and the people in there can get quite arsey when you're trying to use it as a weight loss tool... having said that though loads of people do lose weight and Marks Sisson does recommend certain carb levels for weight loss so don't know why they have to get like that with you. I do second reading the Primal Blueprint book though - it's well worth a read. Go onto Marks Daily Apple for some info too. I think it could help :)

    Yup, I have read the book, pop into the the Daily Apple as well. I also am fond of the podcasts too. I just didn't share, I don't really think that particular commentor really cared. That board is not terribly active and I can guess why. No worries. I like it here where the grass is greener and everyone is friendly. :smiley:

    It's a pleasure to read your posts, I get smarter and wiser by the second! Thank you girls!!!
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    stesig13 wrote: »
    Donald Trump, really?
    He hates women....

    I think he loves women....a little too much....and has a standard he believes every woman should meet. Obviously that is foreign, willowy, blonde model. So much to not like about all three candidates. I am not setting my hopes on any of them to improve our nation or our world.
  • karenenriquez1225
    karenenriquez1225 Posts: 98 Member
    Hmmm...this seems silly. I am bugged when I lose weight=>I lose my boobs. :D
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    Hmmm...this seems silly. I am bugged when I lose weight=>I lose my boobs. :D

    I am hoping to lose a little in that area because I am out of proportion. Unfortunately, they blew up when I had my first child, then didn't reduce when I lost weight twice before. Since I am older, I am hopeful to lose SOME so I regain proportion.

  • valerieblaydes
    valerieblaydes Posts: 158 Member
    @karenenriquez1225 I don't have much in that department fat or thin, but I find push/pull workouts help plump up those muscles...you know, various kinds of push-ups and pull-ups in different hand positions. Anything that works the pecs will make you feel better about the cleavage and general area ;)
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    Help. Please. Any suggestions will be appreciated and considered.

    I really struggle on Saturdays when I visit my son. Folks, when vending machines are your ONLY choice for at least one meal and snack, well, I know you can see the dilemma. I exercised before leaving and should have eaten a big breakfast, but instead I grabbed a package of cashews and a quart of water while pumping gas on my way. The stress level was a little high today, so I was hitting my comfort foods and a pint of orange juice. I usually stick to water no matter what I eat. I could carry a small cooler to keep in my vehicle and eat some small snack before going in and something more substantial after I leave. I am usually there 5 hours. The healthiest options in the machines are: peanuts, yogurt raisins, fruit and nut trail mix, orange juice, sometimes apple juice, water. Entrees - probably the chicken in the chicken sandwiches if I eliminate the bun.

    Ideas of what to eat before and immediately after?
  • mitsimr
    mitsimr Posts: 194 Member
    I would eat something filling and we'll balanced before. Maybe a chicken wrap with avacado on it. Afterwards it depends on your needs. If all you need is a snack to tide you over till you get home the cashews should be fine. If you need something more filling another of the above or I like a boiled egg (if I am home its a deviled egg), cheese stick, either an apple or orange, and a serving of wheat thins. It is incredibly filling and my favorite lunch.
  • karenenriquez1225
    karenenriquez1225 Posts: 98 Member
    I am really found of the mason jar salads( you can find recipes on Pinterest). You can put them in a thermal lunch bag with a cold pack or two. If you have any room left in the bag you could put some fruits/veggies in there too. I like hard bolied egg or jerky for extra protein.
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    Thank you, ladies. These are good ideas and I am looking forward to to trying some of them this weekend. I will share that today was a much better day. Even though we ended up eating out because we were out of town longer than expected, I ordered a healthy salad and drank water while hubby inhaled two sandwiches and waffle fries that were very tempting. Proud of me!
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    I am going to visit my son in a bit This week, I won't be staying long, as it is on my way out of town for my granddaughter's 4th birthday tomorrow. What's bugging me today is this. I have a large lump - which may be nothing - but the weight loss has revealed a difference that needs to be checked out. I know that no matter what, I will be okay. But today and all this week, it is really bugging me. Thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.
  • valerieblaydes
    valerieblaydes Posts: 158 Member
    You've got it! And we've got your back :)