06/07 Day Tuesday Day 391

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
edited December 2024 in Social Groups
Morning, Everyone! I'm sorry about yesterday but since I messed up... We'll have two challenges today to make up for it!

Today's Challenges:
I want you to look in the mirror and list what you like about yourself! Also I want you to read every food label that gets in your hands today.

Self esteem is something we need to build up and I want you all to be proud of who you are! So for anyone who is suffering from low self esteem today we are going to work on that!

Reading food labels is fun! You get to learn what's in the food and other good facts! Try and look up any of the words you don't know!


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,218 Member
    Great challenges Auna! I will be reading the food labels all today. I generally do anyway, but this will provide an additional incentive.

    The self-esteem challenge is a great one too. For me, one of the things that I like about myself is that I'm a cheerful, upbeat person who tries to spread a little happiness around to those I come in contact with throughout the day.

    Also, I am SO EXCITED about the food label changes that were recently approved in the US. They won't take effect for a while, but some terrific changes are coming. Portion sizes will be more reflective of what people actually eat (who seriously eats only a half a cup of ice cream?) and the font size will be larger… A real help to those of us with middle-aged eyes. Also, added sugars will be separated from those that occur naturally in the food. I think this is a terrific change, although the food and beverage industry fought it tooth and nail. Given the limited space for nutrient information, they are eliminating two nutrients Americans aren't typically deficient in, vitamin A and vitamin C, in favor of two nutrients we don't usually get enough of: vitamins D and the mineral potassium. As someone who is super sensitive to sodium and has to watch it closely in order to keep my blood pressure in check, I keep a close eye on my potassium intake. Potassium is really the anti-sodium nutrient… where sodium increases water retention and blood pressure, potassium decreases water retention and helps keep blood pressure in check. It's been frustrating to me to monitor my potassium intake, because it hasn't been a required nutrient on labels, the MFP database is full of foods it has listed as having no potassium when they are actually good to great source of potassium.

    Good label changes are coming!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,218 Member
    Also Auna, I would love to hear what you feel are your best qualities!
  • hollyhock1009
    hollyhock1009 Posts: 115 Member
    Good challenges today.

    I just had a very good look at myself in the mirror. I had to admit I am looking better. As an older (66 yrs) 5' apple-shaped woman, I could really see that I'm getting a bit smaller. My stomach bloat went away when I stopped eating meat 2 weeks ago. That is all good.
    I was thankful that I have always had somewhat oily skin - because I now have very few wrinkles. I have a nice smile. It took a long time - and many bad hair days (I proclaimed last year as my bad hair year) to grow out my dyed darker hair (my professional look) - but I like my silvery brown hair now - and it's almost grown out now to my best bob style.

    I'm not one to have a lot of friends - but I have close friends. After working on looking and feeling better, and getting more fit, I am ready to meet new people and join new activities. I am friendly to all, but also very shy, so I sometimes have to go out of my comfort zone.

    I discovered this week that I am what is called an 'information junkie'. I am constantly reading things and learning new things. (which causes me a problem with collecting too many pieces of printed info, aka paper clutter.)
    But because of this I am always reading labels - especially things like protein amounts, calories per serving, and fiber amount.

    @themedalist - those label changes sound very good. I'm glad they are adding potassium. While some people need the potassium, there are others, like people with kidney conditions, who really need to watch the potassium they are consuming. I hope Canada is considering some of these changes.
  • CherylPierce
    CherylPierce Posts: 73 Member
    The change I would like to see in food labels is the percentages. Why can't they be actual percentages of the food being labeled rather than "based on" the mythical 2,000 calorie diet? It's misleading and completely worthless information.
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I'll work on this challenge today, and post later in the day! Everyone have a great day!
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    My good things: I have good hair, a genuine smile, and a nice butt. :tongue:

    I should be better at reading labels, but it depresses me mostly. I'll do this with tonight's dinner.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,589 Member
    I like my silver curls, and I have a smiling countenance. I also have pretty good skin for my age, and I'm very happy being my age. I'm good at cheering people, and I get a lot of practice. :)

    I generally read labels, and I sometimes surprise myself by how much I remember of the info. I'm really glad that potassium has been added to the label. It was hard to track before. I should rewrite my recipes so they will track potassium, but it is too much work.
  • Cysso
    Cysso Posts: 68 Member
    I like my collar bones and my calves

    I read labels and even pre-planned my dinner before we went out (although I didn't stick EXACTLY to plan, but I was close and still within my goals)
  • Auna37
    Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
    I love how everyone stepped up to these challenges! I also would like to agree with CherylPierce with the percentages.

    Thank you with the update on the food labels changing Denise! It' great to see that an old system is finally changing.

    Food labels depress me too.... The boxes are so misleading until you read what's in it most times- meganepreston

    Now as for myself... I like how I'm energetic and positive most of the time. Though as I looked in the mirror i would have to say i love my brown hair and eyes! :)
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I must confess that I forgot to do this. I did read some (but not many) food labels. Hubby and I went grocery shopping after dinner. I will try to look in the mirror today!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Okay. I have looked in the mirror! Things that I like: My hair color (even though it's dyed), and my skin is not wrinkled. I have a smooth complexion for my age.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    I love my curly hair. Love my smile and how the color blue looks on me. I know I am not where I want to be in terms of weight but I like how I look. I do not body shame myself.

    Ever since I was diagnosed with pre diabetic I read food labels religiously. I need to make sure to know what I eat and how much. Is a lot of work but totally worth it.
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