06/12 Sunday Day 396

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Morning, everyone! As the weekend comes to a close, a new week begins. We had some fun yesterday but today we are going to get something done!

Today's Challenge: Do something that you have been putting off

You could be putting off fixing something, checking something, doing something.... Just pick something that you know has needed to be done for a while and you've kept putting it on the back burner.


  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Okay, I'll think of something and get it done before the day is over. I'll post about it later.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Auna, thank you! When I saw this challenge, I knew the perfect task. A room in our house that was way too cluttered. It's so overwhelming that I've been avoiding it. So today, because of this challenge, I decided to start by doing 15 or 20 minutes today and then plug away at it over time.

    About 15 minutes into the cleanup project, I asked my DH to help me go through some of his stuff. Normally, when we do cleanup projects, we jointly agree ahead of time. A few minutes of sorting, stacking, pitching, and repairing morphed into 6.5 hours. The room looks great!!

    The hard part really is in starting.

    Thanks for the challenge, Auna!
  • CherylPierce
    CherylPierce Posts: 73 Member
    This afternoon I was cooking some meals for a family with a new baby. While doing that, I decided to clean out the spice cabinet. Got rid of a bunch of old stuff and some empty containers. It looks great now!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I washed my potato bag and dried it. It's a canvas bag that I store my potatoes in. There was a rotten potato in it and it needed washing. I also finished all my laundry. I had planned to do something else from my to do list, but didn't get it done.