Good morning!

miemabbie Posts: 3 Member
My name is Dawn and I've been a nurse for 3 years. I work at a small hospital which means I work ER, Med/Surge, Outpatient & I've recently started working as a Chemo nurse. Needless to say the past 7 years have been busy! I also have four beautiful children (two are heading off to college!). Thankfully my job & my children keep me moving but it also means that I'm extremely tired :) Which most people wouldn't understand but as this is a group for medical professionals you all know exactly what I mean about the fatigue. My goal is to lose those last 10 lbs that I keep losing & gaining. I eat a very clean diet but my goal is to reduce my sugar intake. I LOVE me some sugar!! I have to eat gluten free, dairy free, and basically free of all chemicals which means I have to cook everything I eat & cannot eat at restaurants. This does help me maintain my weight but I tend to overeat as I think in the back of my head is the thought "who knows when I can eat again!" plus I've always had a huge appetite. I tend to follow the "Trim healthy mama,Clean eating, I quit sugar, Paleo plans" which means I've incorporated some concepts from each plan to fit my life. I'm looking forward to connecting with others working in the medical field!