Bummed I gained a pound this week

Smurfe04 Posts: 54 Member
Really bummed when I weighed myself this week. I gained a pound over last week after a 10-pound loss. I think I am underestimating the amount of food I consume and log. Ordered a scale to weigh everything. I have to say I was shocked as I have walked 35 miles brisk pace this week and have been well under my calorie count limit every day. Maybe I do need to consume more calories to lose but I doubt it. I just think I have been underestimating the amount I have shoved down my gullet.


  • Smurfe04
    Smurfe04 Posts: 54 Member
    Well this is weird, I weighed myself for the heck of it when I got home and I have lost 2 more pounds. I always weigh in the morning first thing, maybe I might switch to the afternoon from now on :D
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    I banished my scale to the basement as I would HOP on it all the time. I was driving myself insane. Now it's once a week and I log my loss only if it stays off for a week. Granted I log a gain only if it is still there after a week. ;)
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    I've found it fluctuates day to day. I try to log a loss only after it shows up for a couple of days. Don't worry about the short term, look at your progress over a longer period, that's what really counts.
  • Smurfe04
    Smurfe04 Posts: 54 Member
    I am wondering if all of the walking I am doing has built the leg muscle that will weigh more than fat. I still am showing a weight gain but my waist is shrinking slowly and I can already see the loss difference in my face.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    There are times my weight doesn't move but I am losing inches. Make sure you measure every so often so you can see the difference.
  • Smurfe04
    Smurfe04 Posts: 54 Member
    I haven't been measuring but I know I need to. I agree, my clothes are fitting much more relaxed and I can actually see a difference on my face and neck.
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    I swore I looked the same in the mirror to myself, so I took an older face picture and a current one and put them side-by-side. That's where I can see the difference. When you see yourself every day, the changes are so gradual that you don't notice.
  • Smurfe04
    Smurfe04 Posts: 54 Member
    I am still not seeing any weight loss after 2 weeks. I am beginning to wonder if the calories burned through exercise is accurate on these sites. I walk at least 5 miles a day and have started some gym workout as well. I weigh and log everything put in my mouth. I am always well under my calorie limit for the day by on average 800 calories. MFP always says "if every day was like today I will weigh "x" amount in 5 weeks" but so far I have gained a pound. Frustrating to say the least.
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    most of what I read says not to add back all your exercise calories, they only suggest about 50%, but it sounds like you are probably already doing that. They also say to weigh all your food (which I haven't been) because it's much more accurate. Otherwise, just stick it out...I'll go a week or two without any loss, then drop a couple of pounds in a few days...no rhyme or reason to it.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    I do like the thought that in 5 weeks I will be X but it has never happened. As their projections keep changing and it's like Oh come on really. Now I just take it one day at a time and I do weigh my food it's crazy but I get more food when I weigh it compared to a measuring cup. I like grams I feel like I'm getting even more.

    The weight thing when I am really pushing it and my body aches I retain more water in my muscles when my body rests I get that whoosh of a weight lose. I go by how my clothes fit if I am cinching in my belt another notch I'm doing ok. If you are counting every calorie and exercising your buns off. It'll show just have faith. <3
  • Smurfe04
    Smurfe04 Posts: 54 Member
    @bekim123 you are correct, I never eat back my exercise calories. I try to always leave at least a 300-500 calorie deficit. Clothes are fitting much better so I know stuff is working. Just weird that the scale won't budge. It did show a 1 pound loss a couple of evenings ago.