Finding Pearls of Wisdom in Piles of Garbage 7/10

aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
So this sattelite radio host, Jason Ellis, has one of his folks doing this "Primal Challenge" thing from a company called Onnit. There may be a couple supplements in their list of garbage products that might be decent, but I wouldn't bet onnit. However, the physical program the guy is doing isn't that bad. The exercises are all either standard kettlebell or standard calisthenic exercises. So I'll post their promotional garbage video, then extract the actual good stuff and post it with other sources. Today's challenge is to do just one of the exercises for however many repetitions you want to do.

Sales pitch:

Actual useful exercises with a kettlebell or bodyweight:
Bent-over rows:
Push Ups:

I'll be doing deadlifts today...but with a barbell Monday. :happy:


  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I'm going to do the bent over rows
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Can't watch the videos at work and tonight is Athletic Conditioning night at the gym, not sure what it will consist of other than abs and cardio work (the instructor sets up stations of either core workouts or cardio workouts and you move from station to station, going back and forth between cardio stations and ab stations, for 1 mintue at each station, then repeat the whole series, then repeat again only you have 30 seconds at each station) will have to let you know which we got tonight after class
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I was wondering what 'trusters' were, was it some kinda of trust exercise? Oh, no, it's thrusters. Geez - what weight are those kettle balls he's using? I only have one little 10 lb one. And the swing - I've done those and now I know what I was doing wrong but I doubt I'll do them today. I'm not sure how a person 'pulls up their knee caps". Good instruction though.

    I think I'll stick with the old fashion 'use your own body weight' exercises for the moment. Not sure what we'll be doing in Karate tonight so I'll let you know what we did and how many.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I was wondering what 'trusters' were, was it some kinda of trust exercise? Oh, no, it's thrusters. Geez - what weight are those kettle balls he's using? I only have one little 10 lb one. And the swing - I've done those and now I know what I was doing wrong but I doubt I'll do them today. I'm not sure how a person 'pulls up their knee caps". Good instruction though.

    I think I'll stick with the old fashion 'use your own body weight' exercises for the moment. Not sure what we'll be doing in Karate tonight so I'll let you know what we did and how many.

    It's the "super patented badass primal" kettlebell. Its weight goes by level of badassitude, not specific weight. The website says 36lbs. I doubt you need to use that much if you don't want to. You could probably get away with a plastic grocery bag with cans if you were hard pressed.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    So the stations tonight were the same as last week: single leg weights (you stand on one leg holding a hand weight in hand on side that leg is up and use your abs to lower the weight to the floor then lift it back up), medicine ball sit ups, kettle bell twists, bridges (or in my case, planks) and cardio was toe taps, skaters, mountain climbers, butt kickers, and hopping on one foot.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Okay went to boxing class and cancelled. My arms hurt so bad from all these push-up challenge I could not do one today if I wanted to! I really like the thrusters move! I wanted to buy a second kettle bell too! Now I have more reason and the even more funny thing I saw those kettlebells at the sports store just last week. Not cheap either....I may stick to he other one I have. T.his is a definite keeper
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,475 Member
    I did push-ups today. Not many but some. Okay...a few...Okay, ten. I just saw the challenge so I'm going to use the push-ups because I didn't do any of the others on the list and it's bed time here in California.

    Wish I could do squats like the kettle-ball guy...*sigh* one day...

    Hope everyone has a good Thursday.

  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I did push-ups today. Not many but some. Okay...a few...Okay, ten. I just saw the challenge so I'm going to use the push-ups because I didn't do any of the others on the list and it's bed time here in California.

    Wish I could do squats like the kettle-ball guy...*sigh* one day...

    Hope everyone has a good Thursday.


    Okay, now to 11 pushups tomorrow, then 12 on friday, etc. Then maybe do a couple bodyweight squats on Monday, then throw in a burpee on Tuesday. Just start em small and progress. Where you start really doesn't matter as long as you continually improve reps, weight or number of exercises. Ten is a better start than none.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Ok - re-check in from karate class yesterday. I had 41 pushups in class. And then after class, during the HITT, I got to choose our exercises. We did 'running in place, skip side lunges, squats with a chair overhead press, and walking pushups" for 4 rotations. I sorta lost count by the end but it was about 30 pushups more again. I only averaged about 5 squats per rotation but the chair was really light. It use to be heavy. I think I might need to add my kettleball to my bag for class if we are going to start doing HITTS again. And thanks for the check in Aackaackaack on the types. You are absolutely right that items around the house can be used for weights. My sandbag is filled with old beans and lentels rather than sand.