Progress Check-In

Smurfe04 Posts: 54 Member
Just wanted to drop in to see how everyone's progress is going? Mine is going pretty well. I had a few days with some fluctuations in weight but weighed today and saw another 2 pounds loss. Still walking 5K every evening plus my regular daily steps bring me to right at 5 miles daily. Have to say I haven't felt better for a long long time. So how's it going for you?


  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    I had a rough day today at work but it was one of the first times I stood up for myself. Not sure if the world is ready for the new me but I got to say I don't care.

    I think for the month of July I'm going to do pilates work on my core muscles as I was diagnosed with a hernia.
  • Jacquitheelder
    Jacquitheelder Posts: 68 Member
    I've been very motivated and have lost 10 pounds since usingMFP. This group is helpful. I exercise almost every day and since I'm older (61) with a family history of osteoporosis (not really a problem until I lose significant weight) I'm trying to focus as much on strength training as walkin and swimming. Thank you for this group
  • jazzajay25
    jazzajay25 Posts: 3 Member
    Getting there slowly, walking 6000 steps minimum nearly every day adding in some Pilates as well. Lost 7lbs so far, the tool is helping a great deal. Extra focus for July and trying to push harder. Best new find:- Using shredded cauliflower instead of rice mixed with peas and onions and a chicken stock instead of oil, add in chicken or fish ... very scrummy. If anyone has any great recipes please do share. Keep on going ... we know it makes sense.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Yummm @jazzajay25 that sounds delicious My favorite cauliflower recipe is cauliflower mash with horseradish cheddar and bacon bits.
  • jazzajay25
    jazzajay25 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks 2020pinktogo - I'll give that one a try this week.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    I don't think I like pilates so as much as I should give it a month I think I will move on and try something else.