1st trimester and so tired!

I am 5+1 and so tired! I was not this tired with my first pregnancy. Does anyone have any suggestions on ways to get energy without caffeine? I have been walking 5x a week and I take a prenatal. It is to the point where I feel like napping but can't with a 21 month running around!


  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    I'm not a great source of info... and I was going to suggest napping. But that could be hard.

    Try to nap when you can, and try to go to bed when your first child also goes to bed, as often as possible.

    I've heard apples have some properties that can help. I'm not sure if it's true or if it will be noticeable, but it's worth a try. It's just an apple after all.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Seriously...I wasn't tired like this with either of my other kids...but I feel your pain. I'm 11 weeks today and I went to bed last night at 6pm and slept through until 6:30 this morning. The best thing you can do is get hubs to take over at night and get the extra sleep. I found that when I didn't it really impacted how sick I felt.
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    edited June 2016
    It might be worth talking to your GP or OB to see if they'd be willing to check you for anemia a little earlier than usual (I know i had a check at my 10w appointment/confirmation US), but that could also be leading to tiredness?

    I know I really struggled with exhaustion in the first 12 weeks, and I can't imagine combining it with chasing a 21 month old around :smile:. I went from a lifelong insomniac to virtually a narcoleptic immediately. Hang in there mama.

    I found decaf coffee had a bit of a "placebo" affect with perking me up in the morning when needed, but I ended up having to switch to iced coffee due to an aversion to the way hot coffee smells...which I still unfortunately have at 25w. I also think taking a complex B vitamin mid-day helped, in addition to my prenatal...but check with your doctor first. Mine suggested it, but not all would feel the same way.