Week 3: Edinburgh, Scotland



  • littlebarry
    littlebarry Posts: 120 Member
    Good Job @ajfuelling ! I'll try and pick it up today too. Right now, we're tied with Team 3, overall. We HAVE to stay ahead of them. Team 4 will explode from nowhere.

    On another note, @2016summerfun, just what the heck is "an Eaton Mess" and more importantly, what's a "quark"?

    Well, I'm off to the Highland Dancing, and trust me, no one looks stupider than I do (maybe I should loose the kilt) :|
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    LOL @ littlebarry. Real Eaton mess is. broken meringue folded into whipped double cream and strawberries. Quark is a soft cheese fat free.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    My sister has been here visiting since Monday. She just left this morning. I didn't do any runs while she was here, but I did get her to join me on some walks and even got her to bike with me and my girls. As soon as she left I went for a 5 km run, and then pulled out the weights to do those videos. I did the first one twice and thought, this isn't so bad, but then I did the second one and I found it a whole lot harder! So, I will try to do it again tonight, then I'll be done 2 of the 5! I will try to head out for a bike ride or a walk later today to get some more miles in! :wink:
  • littlebarry
    littlebarry Posts: 120 Member
    LOL @ littlebarry. Real Eaton mess is. broken meringue folded into whipped double cream and strawberries. Quark is a soft cheese fat free.

    Is this a British thing? Meringue is just whipped egg whites right?...how do you break it?
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi all. Headed to the mountains this weekend (Blueridge in NC). So I should be getting some hiking in. I won't be able to input it until Sunday night. Have a great weekend.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I just finished the standing abs for the second time today. I have a feeling it is going to be very hard to do tomorrow!
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    LOL @ littlebarry. Real Eaton mess is. broken meringue folded into whipped double cream and strawberries. Quark is a soft cheese fat free.

    Is this a British thing? Meringue is just whipped egg whites right?...how do you break it?
    LOL @ littlebarry. Real Eaton mess is. broken meringue folded into whipped double cream and strawberries. Quark is a soft cheese fat free.

    Is this a British thing? Meringue is just whipped egg whites right?...how do you break it?

    yep its a English summer pud . whip the egg whites until stiff than bake in the oven leave to cool than break up or you can do what I do and just buy them lol.
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Hi all. Headed to the mountains this weekend (Blueridge in NC). So I should be getting some hiking in. I won't be able to input it until Sunday night. Have a great weekend.

    Have fun and earn our team 5. lots of points lol .
  • iheartcookies2
    iheartcookies2 Posts: 952 Member
    Hello! I will be somewhat MIA next week because my access to WIFI will be very limited. So don't think I disappeared or abandoned you. :)
  • jen_b860813
    jen_b860813 Posts: 303 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I have been so quiet... my time consuming class wraps up today so I promise I will be more active on here! Hope everyone has a great weekend :)
  • tyedyechick0930
    tyedyechick0930 Posts: 232 Member
    Hey y'all! Crazy busy week at work. I guess they're making me pay for or make up my time off last week..haha. I finally got to update the spreadsheet. Yay! We reached our goal for the week! Awesome job! And back to the grind I must go, but I'll catch up again this weekend! TGIF y'all! :)
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'm out for the rest of the week. Headed to Veneta, Oregon to photograph the Oregon Country Fair. I will be walking all day everyday and dancing till the sun comes up... not sure how I'll input my hours, but I'll deal with that when I have to deal with reality again.

    Anyone curious about the Oregon Country Fair (and you just might want to be), check out these photos...

    https://google.com/search?q=oregon+country+fair&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj3wPHI3ODNAhVO0GMKHX-RBSYQ_AUICCgB&biw=1485&bih=1008 [/url]

    Ummm... wow! I was not expecting that, lol. Some really talented body paint designs though! As @littlebarry said, if you can post here or your personal feed, we can get them added... or if you'll be back in time to enter Monday morning, that is fine too! Enjoy! ;)
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hey Flying High-Fivers... I hope everyone is having a good Friday! In looking at the spreadsheet, it looks like we are currently in 4th place, but 3rd and even 2nd place is within reach by the end of this leg. We have a few folks that wait until the end of the week to enter their minutes in, which is totally fine, but it looks like the other teams do as well, so don't think we will be able to rely on that to sling-shot past them. I know everyone is doing their best, but try to add an extra 15 min a day to what you normally do if you can... that would translate into almost 2000 minutes a week for our team total. We're also behind the other teams in the challenge points, so if everyone can do those videos we'll be in good shape.

    Good luck everyone and have a great weekend!
  • littlebarry
    littlebarry Posts: 120 Member
    edited July 2016
    We're starting to look a little sad team :s . Lets get up and do some Highlands Dancing! :D If you think holding back on logging is a good strategy, you're wrong! Unless you're in 1st or 2nd place all it does is make your Team-mates loose interest. Team 1 is so successful because they're involved!!!
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I did the first video twice today and the 5 minute abs once. I'll try to do it once more before bed. My arms and success are sore , so it's definately doing it's job!! Then I just gave to do them once each tomorrow and I'm done!!!!
  • littlebarry
    littlebarry Posts: 120 Member
    edited July 2016
    Just finished the weight and dance challenges. If I can do the dance challenges I think everyone should at least be able to eat a raspberry. Almost half the team hasn't done this. It's 5 pts EACH. The team would have to work over 153 minutes of exercise time, to make up for each player who finds it too difficult to eat a Raspberry Yogurt, and log it!
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    Ok, finished the standing abs for the second time tonight. Is anyone else finding it hard?? Once more for each video tomorrow and then I am done!!!!!
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    Today was not a good day for me minutes-wise, but tomorrow I have big plans! A long, big run then HOURS working in the garden. We are picking peas and raspberries, then I am ripping out 6 rows of peas and their fencing, a few rows of lettuce, digging garlic, and beware any weeds that show their heads -- they are doomed!
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    @Mrscanmore ... great job! Yes, I thought they were hard as well, but I pretty much did them as my workout for the day and did each video on different days, but did them 5 times to get it over with... just treated each time as a "set" for the workout. The standing abs though... by that last "set" my arms were shaking holding the weight.

    @ajfuelling ... me too! I plan on doing my run in the morning and depending on the weather, some yard-work and tennis. If it rains, I can move the yard-work to Sunday.

    They posted some hints and tips on the main page... I think @littlebarry hit the nail on the head... we need to be more active if we are going to be successful. I'm a pretty competitive person and I've seen that same competitiveness in many of you... so let's do this!...together!
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    I'm competitive person too .and agree with rusgolden and littlebarry lets move it over the weekend .. eat them raspberries and get them kilts on . lets get in 1st place .