Sick for days

mistyh10 Posts: 42 Member
Ok so I went on vacation last Tuesday to NYC...I did ALOT of walking (10-11 miles a day) and ran short runs (3-4 miles) 2 days I was there. Friday (last day of vacay) I got sick with a wicked stomach virus and I am now on day 4 of this wretched virus. I can eat now and not in much pain but still nothing stays in my body. Yesterday I attempted to run because I felt ok-ish and it was a complete disaster. I could barely run 2 miles. Today I still am not able to keep food or fluids down. I feel like this virus will never end and it is so frustrating. I have been training 6 days a week and have worked up to 9 miles on my long runs. Saturday was supposed to be 10 mile long run but obviously that didn't happen. I have a half-marathon October 2. Is this going to be a major setback?? I'm so worried I am going to lose all the strength and stamina I have worked hard for the last 2 months and it is killing me not to be hitting the pavement! :(


  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    edited July 2016
    I am fighting through a mild case of this as well. Nothing nearly as bad as yours but it has zapped my strength and stamina. Hope you feel better soon.

    Missing a week will not be a big deal. If you are already running 10 miles and your race is several months off, you are way ahead of the game. I would suggest repeating the previous week's routine when you are back to normal and go from there.

    BTW - I have found that sometimes forced (unplanned) downtime can be beneficial. You may come back stronger.

    Good luck.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    It could become a major setback if you keep trying to run before your body has kicked the virus... rest up eat what you can and don't think about running till you feel better!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2016
    Sounds like you might benefit from some IV fluids and a few more rest days. You probably became very dehydrated, your body could use help getting over it. A visit with your pcp or even the ER might be in order.

    Good luck.

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    mistyh10 wrote: »
    Ok so I went on vacation last Tuesday to NYC...I did ALOT of walking (10-11 miles a day) and ran short runs (3-4 miles) 2 days I was there. Friday (last day of vacay) I got sick with a wicked stomach virus and I am now on day 4 of this wretched virus. I can eat now and not in much pain but still nothing stays in my body. Yesterday I attempted to run because I felt ok-ish and it was a complete disaster. I could barely run 2 miles. Today I still am not able to keep food or fluids down. I feel like this virus will never end and it is so frustrating. I have been training 6 days a week and have worked up to 9 miles on my long runs. Saturday was supposed to be 10 mile long run but obviously that didn't happen. I have a half-marathon October 2. Is this going to be a major setback?? I'm so worried I am going to lose all the strength and stamina I have worked hard for the last 2 months and it is killing me not to be hitting the pavement! :(

    This will not be a major setback. I got a really nasty cold in the middle of training for Boston. It wiped out an important speed workout early, chopped a 22 mile long run down to 13 miles, and in total cost me 21 miles on what should have been a peak mileage training week. Got better, and crapped out of some speed work later. I'd have been convinced my conditioning was totally shot if I didn't have a coach telling me it was okay and I needed the rest more than the work.

    Got to Boston, and didn't get the time I'd hoped to; but that was primarily weather related. On a day when "everyone" ran Boston 10 minutes slower than the marathon they qualified with, I ran 2 minutes slower than the marathon I qualified with. I'll take it.

    Rest. Get healthy. At this point, those are higher priorities than long runs and speed work. When your body is up to running again, the miles and the speed work will come back.