Yes you can give ADVICE now!!!!! 7/11/13

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
How will you help someone who is overweight/obese? Yes, I mean it! If someone who is overweight/obese and asked you for hlep and advice what would you say? It could be your neighbor, at gym,
You may think, "OMG I am not thin enough or at my goal so I can't say anything!" or "I bombed this week so how can I help anyone else?"
No no no no no!!!! Oh yes you can!
In fact, you can give more 'real' wisdom then anyone else because you are going thru at it now and having success too!
Be real and about the benefits and when you discuss struggles talk how you made it through!
DO NOT FEEL INHIBITED! We are here to help others! Even if you are not where you want to be you can still give wisdom.
Think on it. It will happen on day!
Person: "Hey, I see you working out all the do you keep up the good work?!" YOU: "You got a second?"



  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    As someone who's lost 40+ pounds I do get this frequently. Maybe once a week or more. Just the fact that I get totally excited about what I'm doing and want others to get excited as well tends to get things moving. I know I can't make people do anything and don't throw it in anyone's face, but if you open this can of worms you're going to find out more data than you really wanted to know. I've gotten work folks to create MFP accounts and one of them is getting his butt kicked with my lifting regimen now. It's fun dragging him around the gym because he knows he needs to do it but you can see the "I don't wanna!" look on his face the whole time. Maybe I'm slightly annoying with it, but it doesn't matter. People are learning things, including me. That's really all you can do.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I think these things are best individualized and done over a period of time if big changes are necessary. I think the easiest thing would be a quick synopsis (description of my own plan) and invite them along with me. Most important thing to me is to do it non-judgmentally so they are comfortable asking again later and talking about it further.

    Another thing is to let them talk. Some folks get so all about sharing their discovery they forget to listen.

    My usual method it to find out somebody's norm then help them decide on a change they can achieve. I don't assume their goals would be the same as what I would want them to do. But I'm a nurse and an educator. That's how I've had the most success helping people change.

    My fear is this question could set off one of those firestorms of arguing about diet. Keep it friendly folks - keep it friendly...
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I'm willing to tell people but I always say at some point that what works for me may not work for them. After all, we are all different from each other. What I do find frustrating is when a person asks for help, several times, and yet they then take what ever you told them or the info you gave them and completely ignore it. At that point I either figure they are not truly ready for change they say the want or we aren't communicating well. My best peice of advice; switch it up to keep from getting bored and do what you like/love rather than what anyone else says is the best thing in the world. But also realize that doing something you hate may be more about the attitude and sticking with it more than a week may turn the attitude around.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I have had some friends and family ask me how I'm doing it (VERY slowly lately :grumble: ) and I just tell them. They ask questions, etc. My two sisters are on here too and being successful so there are some examples -- we all do it a bit different, but the main concept is the same. My big thing is tracking -- when you do it, you stay in control. On the days that I think "eh, what's one day?" those are the days that I bomb. Keep tracking even if you are higher than your calories -- that's a lesson learned the hard way!!!

    If they aren't interested, it's just a quick comment then we change the subject -- sometimes it's just the planted seed. That's how I did it. My sisters talked about it last year, I signed up but wasn't really interested...actually started in January and am down 23 pounds (was 28, but...)
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Options of them is getting his butt kicked with my lifting regimen now. It's fun dragging him around the gym because he knows he needs to do it but you can see the "I don't wanna!" look on his face the whole time. Maybe I'm slightly annoying with it, but it doesn't matter.

    Ah but the key is he follows you!!!!!!!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    My usual method it to find out somebody's norm then help them decide on a change they can achieve. I don't assume their goals would be the same as what I would want them to do. But I'm a nurse and an educator. That's how I've had the most success helping people change.

    Ahhh nurses, gotta love them! You hit it ask what they want to change!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    If they aren't interested, it's just a quick comment then we change the subject -- sometimes it's just the planted seed. That's how I did it.

    Seeds are wonderful things....potential energy ready to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Step one Join MFP...
    step two do SOMETHING for 30 minutes a day. split it up into 10 minute increments if you don't have time, just do something.
    When I started making the time to exercise, it became easier to find more time and to keep going. Do something you like or it will be a chore.

    The guys at work have asked me how i lost the weight. They like to tease me about my after-work walk ( 3.5 miles in 45 minutes) I might get serious about training for a 5K yet.

    If you want something bad enough, you have to work for it.