Hi! I have a question.

trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
I haven't been officially diagnosed but for the third time in four years I'm being told that I might have MS and my MRIs show lesions but then on the next ones they're not there. I think this is the reason that I haven't been diagnosed yet.

My question is kind of embarrassing. I suffer from foot drop. It usually takes about a half a mile before I start to lose the ability to lift up my legs and drag my feet (both legs do this). Usually when this starts to happen, I also wet my pants. Does this happen to anyone else? Is there anything I can do about this until I get going with a diagnosis and treatment?


  • katiewondergirlie
    Incontinence is pretty common with MS. Fortunately I've not had that problem, but I did get a bladder infection awhile back and my midsection is without feeling sometimes so I wasn't really sure if I might end up peeing myself. Have you thought of getting a second opinion? Have they used the same MRI machine for all your scans? Have you had a lumbar puncture? I'm not a radiologist but seems rather bizarre that it would show lesions and then they would disappear. When I've had reports done before they always talk about if there is or isn't any current activity with the lesions and if there are any new. Anyway, I'd maybe get a second opinion or see an MS specialist (if your current neuro isnt one)
  • squeakyfish
    squeakyfish Posts: 109 Member
    Lesions can appear and disappear. If the damage isn't too bad, then the myelin can completely regrow and it will be as if there was never any damage. That being said, you could probably have a diagnosis by now if you saw a specialist. You don't need a diagnosis to get treatment for your symptoms. Foot drop can be helped with braces and there are meds for occasional incontinence. If you haven't had one already, you might want to request a cervical and thoracic MRI, as it's more likely you'd see lesions there from the description of your symptoms. Good luck to you, not knowing for sure must be really difficult.
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks you guys :) I have an appointment with an orthopedist on the 22nd. My PCP wants to rule out any problems in my hips and legs before we go full scale MS testing (again, sigh). I am glad they are being thorough. I believe that the orthopedist will be doing an MRI of my spine and my legs. I hope they figure something out soon. Thanks again!
  • hsmaldo
    hsmaldo Posts: 115 Member
    Have you seen an MS Specialist or neurologist for your concerns? If not, I would start there...not with an orthopedist and PCP...