Surge - miles from exercise

Quick question. My boyfriend is thinking about getting a surge but he has concerns about how it logs mileage.

He sets yearly goals for how many miles he plans to walk/bike/hike. Does the surge show miles from structured exercise separately from daily total steps*stride?


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited July 2016
    All step based is lumped together in a day. You can tag a workout chunk of time and see what specific steps were in that time block. Still in daily count though.

    But that's not the device - that's the account and it's reporting features.

    So you could look at step counts - but the biking inaccurate steps would be in there.

    There isn't a good history report anyway, actually none. Perhaps Premium would give that ability.

    But it's not really a Training Peaks or SportTracks type situation for importing workout data and tracking by type and other workout stats.
    And actually, nothing from Fitbit to import unless you sync with like Strava - which would give workout stats - but never noticed steps there.

    There are people on the Fitbit forums that have had the same desires - daily life step goals separate from exercise.
    They took off their Fitbit for workouts and manually logged the workouts for just calories - from like a HRM or the database.
    You merely have to create a custom workout for walking/running so Fitbit doesn't take your mileage and convert it to steps to include.

    You can look at my History and see where I made an Activity Record to see what the Fitbit data was, and then created my Workout Record with more accurate calorie burn - no steps on mine. But the daily steps WOULD contain the running steps.
