Tell me about kettleballs

Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
What do you do, why and should I do them too?

I do 5x5 m/w/f
C25k tue/thur/sat
Golf tue/thur

If the kettleballs will help with the lifting or recomp, I'm up to It. But don't know what to do or where to start.


  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    um, it's 'bells' :D although 'balls' is a lovely image.

    i'll leave it to people who know more to give you the useful kind of info. i'm using them in bottom-up format for waiter walks and turkish getups, because i like the extra stabilization challenge of keeping the base parallel with the ceiling. outside that, just for goblet squats and the occasional time i flirt with the swings.
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    I just started using them on yesterday. I am using them as a way to burn extra calories.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    I love kettlebells! I haven't been using them much since I started Wendler though.

    I started out following this program:

    I gradually increased the number of reps per set from 7, up to 10, then 15 and up to 20. Basically that increased the work/rest ratio. Over time I also increased the weight of the kettlebell. I started out swings with a 16kg kbell, now use a 24kg kbell. I read somewhere that you should aim to build up to a kbell that is 1/3rd bodyweight.

    I found it fantastic for cardiovascular work. I had some calf issues early in the year that prevented me from running, but doing the KB stuff kept my heart working, without the overload on my calves. When netball season started I felt fit as ever.
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    I've used kettle bells off and on over the last couple of years. I really like lifting with barbells, but Kettlebells are awesome, too. It strengthens your core, arms and butt differently than plate weights.

    I'd recommend any DVD by Lauren Brooks. She's an excellent teacher and that's how I learned to use Kettlebells. But, Simple and Sinister is a really simple program recommended by another member on the site. I'm reading the book now. I started it yesterday and will do it on rest days, for now.

    Hope this helps
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member

    Do any of you find it gets in the way of your 5x5 progress?
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm just starting - like 2 days in. I don't think it will, but I'll keep you posted.
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    ninenines wrote: »
    I love kettlebells! I haven't been using them much since I started Wendler though.

    I started out following this program:

    I gradually increased the number of reps per set from 7, up to 10, then 15 and up to 20. Basically that increased the work/rest ratio. Over time I also increased the weight of the kettlebell. I started out swings with a 16kg kbell, now use a 24kg kbell. I read somewhere that you should aim to build up to a kbell that is 1/3rd bodyweight.

    I found it fantastic for cardiovascular work. I had some calf issues early in the year that prevented me from running, but doing the KB stuff kept my heart working, without the overload on my calves. When netball season started I felt fit as ever.

    Thanks! I just tried this today. Was awesome. Will try to build it into my regular gym time.
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    @ninenines when you started were you doing the weighted pull ups? I can't even do a normal one?! :s
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sure, I do the five weeks basic kettle bell swing program from strong first.

    Here are a couple of videos that show correct form.

    I have modified the five-week program because I also do strong lift 5X5. If you do not weight lift I would suggest doing the Russian kettle bell swing and the goblet squat M/W/F. GobletSquats and the press T/TH. Unless you have a pull-up bar and want to do pull-ups or negative pull-ups. I myself am not strong enough to do a pull-up yet.

    Pavel Tsatsouline Author and coach of Olympic athletes wrote the book simple and sinister. He states that you can do kettle bell swings's every day unless you don't want to. Also you will burn approximately 20 cal per minute because it is a HI IT work out combined with strength building. You will get the muscle after burn. Make sure you take your measurements!
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Sure, I do the five weeks basic kettle bell swing program from strong first.

    Here are a couple of videos that show correct form.

    I have modified the five-week program because I also do strong lift 5X5. If you do not weight lift I would suggest doing the Russian kettle bell swing and the goblet squat M/W/F. GobletSquats and the press T/TH. Unless you have a pull-up bar and want to do pull-ups or negative pull-ups. I myself am not strong enough to do a pull-up yet.

    Pavel Tsatsouline Author and coach of Olympic athletes wrote the book simple and sinister. He states that you can do kettle bell swings's every day unless you don't want to. Also you will burn approximately 20 cal per minute because it is a HI IT work out combined with strength building. You will get the muscle after burn. Make sure you take your measurements!

    I am doing the 5x5 program. I lift m/w/f

    When would you suggest I do the goblet squats, swings and presses? In what amounts?

    No chance for the pull up at the moment. It was my goal for December to maybe do 1!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Sure, I do the five weeks basic kettle bell swing program from strong first.

    Here are a couple of videos that show correct form.

    I have modified the five-week program because I also do strong lift 5X5. If you do not weight lift I would suggest doing the Russian kettle bell swing and the goblet squat M/W/F. GobletSquats and the press T/TH. Unless you have a pull-up bar and want to do pull-ups or negative pull-ups. I myself am not strong enough to do a pull-up yet.

    Pavel Tsatsouline Author and coach of Olympic athletes wrote the book simple and sinister. He states that you can do kettle bell swings's every day unless you don't want to. Also you will burn approximately 20 cal per minute because it is a HI IT work out combined with strength building. You will get the muscle after burn. Make sure you take your measurements!

    I am doing the 5x5 program. I lift m/w/f

    When would you suggest I do the goblet squats, swings and presses? In what amounts?

    No chance for the pull up at the moment. It was my goal for December to maybe do 1!

    I would do the goblet squats and the swings on Tuesday Thursday Saturday and have Sunday as a rest day. Unless you want to swing which I do usually. I would not do the presses because you get that if you are doing the strong lift 5x5 with the OHP. I would start out light so that you can get excellent form first. Just like you did with the strong lift 5X5. I would suggest 15 pounds max. I used one of my weight plates that had a hole that I could put my fingers through and hold onto the plate with one hand I did single arm swings first just to see if I would like it. I did, so I bought a 25 pound kettle bell. The five-week basic program gives you the number of sets, reps, and rest time. You should down load the "Swing Timer" app. It is one minute per set. Mine averages out to about 20 seconds of worktime and 40 seconds of rest time. It doesn't have to be exact. It will be one full minute intervals. When I finish with the fourth week I skip the fifth because it is a deload week and I don't do that. Life happens so I will get a rest time periodically. Then start another four week program where I use the same Kettlebell because they are expensive, and I increase the reps from 7 to 10. After that four week program I buy the next size kettle bell which for me was 30 pounds. Since February I have been doing the kettle bell swings's with the previous lighter weight kettle bell with each set of strong lift 5X5. So I do a set of squats swing the kettle bell 10 times, then I rest until my next set...then repeat. If I am doing the 35 pound kettle bell for the five-week program I would use the 30 pound kettle bell on StrongLifts 5X5 days.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    @ninenines when you started were you doing the weighted pull ups? I can't even do a normal one?! :s

    Oh hell no! I can't even do them unassisted. Or maybe one on a good day. I have some bands that I use to provide assistance.

    I was doing the kettlebell program on the off days of Stronglifts. Depending on the day and how big the workout was, I might do the swings and squats and presses and pullups together. Just whatever it felt like. At the time I wasn't very heavy in Stronglifts so I didn't feel like it was interfering with my lifts, but I've since gotten further along, switched to Wendler which is four days, and so haven't been doing much kettlebell stuff. Mostly just for warm ups now.
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    I don't know if my feelings will change after getting to week 5 but so far I am really loving this Kettlebell thing. Thank you for turning me on to it Fanncy. I just needed something 1) to help with my calorie deficit and 2) that I enjoy. So far, I find Kettle swings to be a fun way to burn calories. I am all for the things contribute to my fitness but also enjoyable.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DDHFree - I'm glad you like it. It is really supposed to increase lift amounts as well as being a great daily calorie burn!