How has your UP helped you?

QueenofGuac Posts: 47 Member
Hey I'm new to my UP and I'm excited to see how it helps me with my weight loss! I'm already feeling so much more motivated to get active and I'm hoping it will finally help me shed some pounds!

Anyone have a success story with their UP they would like to share?! I'm dying to hear! And congrats!

Also I'm looking for teammates, so add me please!


  • jwmsjr
    jwmsjr Posts: 4
    Hi Victoria,

    The Up has really help me by giving me a better view into my "Net" Calorie count for the day. By enabling the negative calorie adjustments I can really see how not being active affects my goals. Basically MFP was guessing my total burned calories based
    on my profile and the UP gives me a more accurate "total" burn for any given day. I did have to figure out a few tricks to get
    my workouts sync'd with MFP so those calories were counted but overall it gives a great picture.

    Hope this helps.

  • ladylego1
    ladylego1 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Victoria,

    The up adjustments have been so useful in seeing just how active and was shocked by how much over mfp calculated their exercises.. Also seeing how much I moved in a single day is pushing me to walk more to hit my daily target...

    Personally I track my exercise through the up and what I eat on mfp... And love comparing the trends...

    Feel fee to add me here and on up
  • issypops
    issypops Posts: 212 Member

    Like Helen, I track food on MFP and exercise on the UP, I think I'm getting a much more realistic view of how little I can actually move in a day so the functions like idle alert and some of the daily challenges are good.

    I think it's useful to get some friends in the same time zone because if you want to compete on activity it's a little difficult if everyone else is just heading for bed when you're just getting started.
    I'll add you to my team as well
  • threechins
    threechins Posts: 35 Member
    My wife now gets an email (via IFTTT) when I don't get enough sleep. Not sure it helps me, but I think it helps her avoid—or at least understand—my grumpiness.
  • sdonovan4
    sdonovan4 Posts: 155 Member
    It helps me see how much I really burn in a day, and lets me focus on proper diet. Plus it gives me motivation to get my butt up and move lol. Feel free to add me
  • stacyann1001
    stacyann1001 Posts: 41 Member
    I've been using my UP for a few weeks now and it really keeps me going... Normally when I would come home from work I would just sit on the couch and not move but the bracelet is this constant visual reminder to MOVE!!! Get UP and moooove! LOL So I have been forcing myself to walk at night especially on days when I am extremely far from my goals. I really force my self to get at least 6000 a day, the 10000 is my goal in my account but to me that is a super successful.

    Feel free to add me - - I can always use the support on here and there! I use MFP to track all my food and UP for the steps, calories and sleep - I really like the syncing capability between the both of them, makes me information so track-able!

    Keep it moving!!!!
  • Brown_Eyed_Beauty
    Brown_Eyed_Beauty Posts: 109 Member
    I like how it breaks down your information more. I have learned more about myself and what I need to do. It sounds dumb, but the pictures of nutrients help me more than looking at the daily summary on MFP. Also it tells me to get up. LoL that is a big help for me on lazy days :-/

    Feel free to add me folks: Brittany Ulrich
  • sstan03
    sstan03 Posts: 102
    I think most of the folks on here hit it when they said, "It helps me get UP and move". That is the biggest thing it has done for me. It is surprising how little I was moving when I thought that I was actually moving. It is a constant reminder to me to stop sitting on my butt and move.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    My wife now gets an email (via IFTTT) when I don't get enough sleep. Not sure it helps me, but I think it helps her avoid—or at least understand—my grumpiness.
    I love this!

    I wasn't losing much weight at all until I got an UP (May 7, 2013—I love that it tells you your start date). I have a desk job, so I had set my activity level to sedentary. I don't go to the gym, so I wasn't logging any exercise.

    Turns out I walk way more than I realized. Now I'm eating back my adjustments + losing weight. Yay!
  • I've only had my UP24 less than a week but already it's having a huge impact on my lifestyle choices. I have a job that's pretty split between desk work and running around a large store like a chicken with my head cut off. On a fairly mobile workday I can rack up about 14,000 steps, so I set my goal at 13,000. This weekend, when I would normally just veg out on the sofa, I decided to take my dog for walks of almost 4 miles each day, helping me reach - or exceed - my workday-based goal.

    Tracking my food intake here is another big factor. I always knew I was more into carbs than sweets or fatty foods, but seeing that about 80% of my diet is carb-based is really getting me to rethink some of my choices. Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I only managed 5,200 steps or so at work today, so it's time to try and squeeze in a walk before this storm we're supposed to get rolls in.

    Good luck and keep us posted!
  • foomsy
    foomsy Posts: 222 Member
    I like using the UP as it keeps me motivated and i like to challenge myself every week.

    I will send you a request from please feel free to add me as i am looking for teammates.
  • empireman85
    empireman85 Posts: 114 Member
    Yesterday was my first day with UP24. I was very surprised on how little I move during the workday!

    I did exercise after work with 30 minutes in the gym and 30 minutes on the elliptical. UP showed 60 calories, my HRM showed 380. That was a little concerning and when I checked settings saw they were way off and adjusted. Now shows 300 so I think that's pretty good.

    I log my food at MFP and haven't seen my daily calorie burn on the UP. I'm using a droid phone app. Is there somewhere that shows daily burn?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Yesterday was my first day with UP24. I was very surprised on how little I move during the workday!

    I did exercise after work with 30 minutes in the gym and 30 minutes on the elliptical. UP showed 60 calories, my HRM showed 380. That was a little concerning and when I checked settings saw they were way off and adjusted. Now shows 300 so I think that's pretty good.

    I log my food at MFP and haven't seen my daily calorie burn on the UP. I'm using a droid phone app. Is there somewhere that shows daily burn?
    Your UP total burn is your TDEE—way more accurate than any online calculator. Your adjustment is your UP burn minus your activity level.

    If you don't enable negative calorie adjustments, you probably won't eat at a deficit on less active days:

    BTW, you have connected your accounts, right?
  • empireman85
    empireman85 Posts: 114 Member
    I have linked and learned a lot the last couple days. Thanks for your help.