8/2/16 - Check In

rjbeck1218 Posts: 9 Member
Hello everyone! In order to make this group a success, I'm going to be putting up these discussions everyday. I planned on doing them in the evening so we all get a chance to look back on the day and reflect on our successes or failures. you can post in the evening with me, or you can log on the next morning and start your day off with a reflection of the day before. Either way I think it's a good idea to do something consistently. I know for many of us (including me) today is the first day for Logust, so let's start it off right!

As for me, I had a great day! Seeing all my new MFP friends and their posts really inspired me to get up and go for a run. I did a 30 minute hill run, and it was great. My big goal for this month is to make sure that I'm logging everything and I did that today. I made sure to log thing accurately with my new food scale as well. I even spent some time meal prepping lunches for the week. Definitely felt like I took advantage of my day of work. I'm struggling right now though. I typically eat a healthy meal around 6 and I stay up a little later. So I need to look into some night time snacks!

Looking forward to hearing how everyone else did today. Please post how your did today in by replying to this post!


  • msjholmer
    msjholmer Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! Day 2 for me and I feel like I'm doing well so far. I stayed at a deficit with is great. I did not have a chance to get all my steps in today because it is hotter than the surface of the sun here in Austin. But tomorrow I will get my steps in because I work indoors walking all day.
    Hope everyone else is having a good day.
  • henryc431
    henryc431 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm realizing after another day where I went over my allotted calories that the key to my success will be prepping meals and laying out exercise clothes the night before. I am much more likely to mess up when I fail to do so. It's all about making it as easy as possible to stick to the plan.
  • moolric
    moolric Posts: 1 Member
    I stayed right on my calorie goal, not eating back any exercise cals, which is good because it's colder than the surface of mars here and i couldn't stay out for long enough to get to my step goal. (It's not actually that cold - but the wind was frigid and you don't expect cold like that in Brisbane.)

    I was able to fit a lovely hot chocolate into my cals though.
  • rjbeck1218
    rjbeck1218 Posts: 9 Member
    henryc431 wrote: »
    I'm realizing after another day where I went over my allotted calories that the key to my success will be prepping meals and laying out exercise clothes the night before. I am much more likely to mess up when I fail to do so. It's all about making it as easy as possible to stick to the plan.

    This is really hard for me too. And you're right, I think meal planning is the best bet. I prepped my meals for the week for the first time last week and it was great. It made it really easy to make the right choices.
  • flamesparrow
    flamesparrow Posts: 11 Member
    I went greatly over yesterday, but because of this I both a) walked to the shop instead of driving to gain some calories back and b) was able to look rationally and see that although I was over my alloted amount, I was about on a maintenance amount so it wasn't as terrible as it seemed.