Does skinny really taste better than...?

huango Posts: 1,007 Member
Woe is me: I miss eating and the option to eat stuff.
What I mean is that it sucks being so short!
Yes, woe is me. I'm healthy and happy and I keep complaining about being short.

It just means that w/ such a low TDEE ~1450 (if I'm not working out that day), I can't give into that:
- 1 drink or
- coffee with cream/sugar or
- some chips or
- cheese and crackers
- ice cream
- Snickers bar, etc,
BECAUSE I need every calorie to go to nutritious food, such as grilled salmon and kale salad.
Just the basic nutritious daily food already adds up to ~1300+.
So even a small cup of ice cream with no toppings, etc, will mean I will eat more than my body need/use.

Every bite I put in my mouth has to be a conscious smart decision.

I don't have the luxury of eating a bunch of Halloween candy or a slice of birthday cake (let alone adding ice cream to it), or more than one piece of fried chicken anymore.

Does skinny really taste better than ____food______?



  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    If you like something see if you can't incorporate it in. I like candy so I got rid of bread upped the veggies and make sure it's all counted. I usually take my candy with my meds LOL you know the spoonful of sugar philosophy. So I have some in the morning and at night. I also played with my counter and i count fiber. I feel fuller if I get all the fiber I'm suppose to be consuming. I also like what one person did and if they know they want something they bank calories during the week to cover the treat item.
  • taylorjunebug
    taylorjunebug Posts: 2 Member
    If you like something see if you can't incorporate it in. I like candy so I got rid of bread upped the veggies and make sure it's all counted. I usually take my candy with my meds LOL you know the spoonful of sugar philosophy. So I have some in the morning and at night. I also played with my counter and i count fiber. I feel fuller if I get all the fiber I'm suppose to be consuming. I also like what one person did and if they know they want something they bank calories during the week to cover the treat item.

    Great idea!