8/4/16 - Check In

rjbeck1218 Posts: 9 Member
Hey All! Hope everyone in the group is doing well!

Today I think I overate at lunch, so I'm going to have to compensate for that during my dinner. I also have this nasty habit of craving something sweet after my meals. In order to curb that craving I bought myself a pack of gum. Problem solved!


  • flamesparrow
    flamesparrow Posts: 11 Member
    I've done really well and actually taken the effort to separate out noodles so I have fewer (normally it's just all mixed in and just given out as is).

    Picking at bits is my main issue. But logging is helping and I'm carrying water with me so I drink instead of pick.
  • MrsCeeBond
    MrsCeeBond Posts: 4 Member
    First the time today I had 800 or so calories left after breakfast and dinner. It was a busy day but hopefully this means my body is getting comfortable with a 1200 calorie diet. I am still breastfeeding and I add 250 calories back to commentate for it (nice bonus). I am barely drinking 4 cups of water a day... I guess that's a bad habit of mine I never realized until I started tracking.
  • flamesparrow
    flamesparrow Posts: 11 Member
    Drink more please!!! Breastfeeding is so so draining, without the fluids you'll be ill. (I may have gone into full parent mode.. :| )
  • msjholmer
    msjholmer Posts: 6 Member
    Day 4 went well. I stayed within my calories and got out for a good walk. The heat is really oppressive this time of year and I find myself retreating inside. I try to tell people that our summer is like your winter, you can't really go outside for more than 30 minutes at a time without risk of heat stroke.
    I have been really good so far of filling myself up with veggies rather than carbs. I can't wait for the heat to break so I can get back to growing my greens. Right now only okra and eggplant are surviving.
    Long rant sorry, so we have had people staying with us for the past two weeks, they are leaving today. I think I'll be more comfortable to work out at home with them gone. So next week I'm committing to work out more.
    Hope everyone's Friday is good, keep logging!
  • flamesparrow
    flamesparrow Posts: 11 Member
    I've got to exercise tomorrow. I keep saying "soon".