
klemburg11 Posts: 80 Member
Hey Everyone! I'm a single mom of 2 very active beautiful girls (7&5) I'm trying to lose around 25-30lbs. I've been watching what I'm eating and trying to workout once or twice a day. Feel free to add me as a friend! We can do this!!


  • kelseyllhunt
    kelseyllhunt Posts: 31 Member
    I'm so happy this group exists now! I'm a single mom of a beautiful 3 year old girl, and she can run circles around me! Trying to lose about 40 pounds, to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and then maybe another 25 from there to get to my ultimate goal of 150 lbs. Haven't started working out yet, but have been counting calories and watching my portions. Hope to add workouts soon!
  • klemburg11
    klemburg11 Posts: 80 Member
    Awesome place to start! That's what I did too, then added walks with my girls! They loved doing something different than just playing and being with mom! :)

  • lachennel
    lachennel Posts: 6 Member
    Hello and welcome ladies.We are women, mothers, & the added factor of being a single mom can take heavy tolls on us. Believe me I know. Whether it be the kids stressing us out or the overwhelming ordeal of having to co-parent it's always something. We easily lose our self control and for me I stress eat like a mother bleeper. It helps knowing that there are others fighting this battle of trying to be who we really want to be. I won't give up and you shouldn't either. God Bless