Being Faithful....

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
I am going to follow up with Mr Aak conversation on consistency with food by mentioning exercise.
I had an interesting conversation last night with uncle (swims every other day or uses bike) who is 70 and my mom.
My mom rides her bike, cuts grass and walks BUT.....her doctor set her straihht last month. He said "Dorothy. have a pattern I noticed! You only exercise in spring and summer. You need to be consistent and do in winter too" So we all discussed how to be consistent with exercise, the BENEFITS especially at their age. We all agree exercise for health benefits has to be routine.
Strive for consistency with your workout even if you travel or on vacation!!!



  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Consistency is probably more important in the colder months. You're much less likely to get out and do things in the cold.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Very true Mr Aak, it's very important not just because of being less likely to get out and do things (especially in places that have snow and very low temps) there is also that people tend to eat more and eat "heavier" food during the winter months (that's where the problem started for me with foods, is when I lived up north, granted at the time at least I still had to walk to school/work during that time, so I had little choice in the exercise... and kept it consistent with the spring and summer since that was about all the exercise I got. But the concept never changed in my brain when we moved back to leas now I have exercise back and am at a location that I can do it inside)
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,475 Member
    Spring, summer and fall don't usually pose a problem for me here in California. I'm outside walking after work and on weekends. That said...we have had some killer hot days the 100's day after day. I can't remember it ever being this hot for this long. So when I can't walk outside I ride the recumbent bike inside. Before we had the bike I walked with Leslie's DVDs...sound down but I got it done. Winter poses other problems in that it's dark when I leave the house for work, and it's dark when I get home. There's something to...when it's dark outside, it's bedtime...right? In winter I have to talk myself into exercising more than I do when the time changes and it's light outside. Bottom line is that I have to move almost every day regardless of the season because the 60 pounds I got rid of 7 years ago is never coming back and exercise is a must to insure that.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    Southern California here too... the desert. Temps have been reaching 120 with a lot of humidity. I've lost motivation with exercise and really need to find it again.

    I joined a group to lose 50lbs by New Years. Maybe that will help get back/keep motivation with work outs.

    Family doesn't help AT ALL... With the extra time I have not work right now, I would love to go to the gym, but not working means no income means can't afford it. So it's home workouts and occasional walks when the weather permits.