Weight Training

mistyh10 Posts: 42 Member
What kind of weight training do you do in addition to your running training? And how many days/minutes a week do you weight train? I feel like this part of my regimen needs some work...


  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Right now, while actively training for a Half Marathon on Sept 25, I hit the gym twice a week. About an hour warm up, work out, cool down and stretching. After a warm up, assisted pull ups (trying to get to 10 unassisted someday, up to 10 with 70# assistance), and loosely following http://running.competitor.com/2013/12/injury-prevention/strength-training-circuit-for-distance-runners_47933. I got the book Quick Strength Training for Runners, Jeff Horowitz, which will be employed more after the race on a three days running three days gym routine.

    Do a search for weight lifting for runners and you'll get lots of ideas and programs. I'm fond of compound lifts, they save time and activate the entire body, which is what you do when running.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    In addition to running I weight train 3x a week. I have modified Strong Lifts 5x5 by adding additional lifts and move from one set to the next without rest periods. Normally do 2 warm up sets followed by 5 at weight. Example: a. weighted squats; bench press; abdominal press; b. Bent row; inclined bench; abdominal press. The next time would switch up to include weighted squats, overhead press, deadlifts, abdominal press, chest press, curls. I rotate in and out of some of the lifts but always start with weighted squats and always do a minimum of 10 sets of abdominal presses. Each time I complete the sets the next time I add 5 pounds; when the weight gets to be too much I reduce it to something comfortable and repeat until it's too heavy again.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I used to do stronglifts.
    I like to weightlift in addition to my running. But, boy, I find that squats and deadlifts really effect my runs. Especially deadlifts. My runs are slow and labored the day after heavy deadlifting.
    I also do Crossfit. I don't necessarily find that Crossfit interferes with my runs -- unless it is a heavy deadlift day. But I do find that a long run the day before Crossfit makes my workout in the "box" pretty hard.
    It helps me to mix things up. It is a rest from the repetitive motion but still a workout. And it is a break from the same-old, same-old, which refreshes me a bit.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    I do two cross-fit style workouts per week in addition to the 4 days of running that are on my schedule. There's a group of us at work that do the workouts together, most of the workouts are focused on core strength, Thursday was a typical workout - mile warm-up jog, 5 rounds 15x 50lb kettlebell swings, 15x box jumps, 25x sit-ups, mile cool-down. A lot of multi-joint, full body movements with squats and lunges peppered into the workouts because who doesn't love DOMS quads on running days?

    I do need to get a stronger upper body. If the Spartan race has shown me any one thing, it's that my upper body pulling strength is terribly lacking.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    In addition to running, I typically lift 2 to 4 times per week. I do Body Pump classes 2x per week which is more about higher reps than lifting heavy. It works my whole body, and I've got some great muscle definition from the class without the bulk. I also use the machines/free weights once or twice per week with primary emphasis on legs, glutes, and core. Besides strength training, I do runner's yoga 2 to 4 times per week. It helps so much with soreness. :smile:
  • mountainrun73
    mountainrun73 Posts: 155 Member
    GiddyupTim wrote: »
    I used to do stronglifts.
    I like to weightlift in addition to my running. But, boy, I find that squats and deadlifts really effect my runs. Especially deadlifts. My runs are slow and labored the day after heavy deadlifting./quote]

    YES, this. I find that when I have consistent weight training, I am a stronger runner. I hadn't done weights for well over a month and hit the gym Sunday. Lots of squats and deadlifts. Yesterday and today my legs are SORE and my runs have been kinda slow.
    I want to aim for 3 strength session per week, at least during off-season.