08/27 Saturday Day 464

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Morning, Everyone! The weekend is finally here and we are going to take it by storm!

Today's challenge:
Go out and do something you always wanted to do but always came up with an excuse not too.

I'm going to head out into town and explore several places I have never been. What about you?


  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Today is my Anniversary! 39 years today! I know that hubby and I will be going out to eat, but I will still choose wisely! We haven't decided where to go yet, but I think it may be a restaurant called "The Library" in Portsmouth, NH. I still need to check it out online and look the menu over, before I get there. There are lots of things to do in Portsmouth! I'll think of something that we can do today, other than eat!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,023 Member
    Happy Anniversary @betsym3

    My husband and I hit 39 years in May :). Have a great day! I'll try to think of something I've always wanted to do that I can do today. Most of the things I've always wanted to do involve international travel.
  • motivatedeeat74
    motivatedeeat74 Posts: 69 Member
    this is a good one while I am out doing my usual I will explore a store that I visited when it first opened yesterday i did the walking and am stretching it to daily little by little!!! I love this challenge daily