Week 22 Daily Check-In Thread for (Monday August 29th through Sunday September 4th)

heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
A new week. clean slate...let's do this!


  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    hello, beautiful people! :) I'm here for another week. My glucose readings seemed to have leveled off. They are remaining consistent each time of day I take them. For example, all this week's before breakfast are around 160, all of my after lunch are around 142 and all of my after dinner readings are about 188. Still much too high, but the medicine is not making it go down any lower, it seems, at least for now. I don't know what else I can do on my own...oh wait...exercise. Oh, that dreaded word! One of these days I'll convince myself I can do it, and keep up with it.

    I've noticed something. When I was eating higher calories (1900-2200) I would seem to get very hungry before bed and would more often than not have an atkins dark chocolate royale shake with a cup of milk mixed in (you'll read me say "atkins/milk"...this is what I'm talking about). Now, even though I'm eating fewer calories (1600ish) I'm finding that dinner is carrying me all through the night and I've rarely been eating anything after dinner. Good things are happening there!

    My goal for the week is to lose another 1.5 lbs. I have an appointment call with my health advisor on Friday and I want to be even below the loss goal I set for September. I also want to try to get myself to do some sort of physical activity at least once this week.

    What's everyone else got going on this week?
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    I FINALLY MADE IT BACK TO THE GYM........... and I obviously didn't die! Or maybe I did, and this is just me from beyond the grave.... In which case then it's really sad because I'll never be able to eat again, but heck, I probably don't have to exercise ever again!!! HA!
    Did my spin class and happy to report it didn't fully kick my *kitten*! Good on water and good on diet today!

    I have a meeting tomorrow with the dean of the psychology graduate program in a local university... see if I go back to Uni and get a second masters. I'd like to be able to get my License as a Professional Counselor. My 1st masters is in Medical Psychology and it's mostly for research on the interaction between health and behavior. I'm nervous, but excited. Not sure if this is the right program yet, hence the meeting with the dean! We'll see what info she has to offer!
    Other than that, soccer with monkeys, open houses at the schools, PTA meeting, and keeping up with the gym! Here's to a good week!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Boring dinner tonight, Turkey Burgers and Sweet Potato fries...still yummy though ! Lol I surpassed my step and water goal, ate within my calories and did my usual (10) Sets of 20 Squats (10) Sets of 12 Lunges and (10) Sets of 50+ Calf Raises then I did 35 minutes of Chest work (3) Sets of 12 of all of the following all with 20 lbs dumbells : Chest press, Closed Grip Chest Press, Incline Chest Press and (3) Sets of 12 Pectoral Flys with 10 lbs. #WontQuitTilImFit #fitchick #fitness #weightloss #iwantmybodyback #nomorefat #MFP #dedication #commitment #dontwishforitworkforit #determination #timetotone #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #workinprogress #showmetheguns
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    Good job ladies with all your crushing it! @AZLisaLou you're doing great.. that's such good news that you're feeling good at your deficit and noticing results in your weight loss. Exercise is great.. you just need to try a few things out until you find your happy place. I love weightlifting!
    @NadiaMayl I do hope you're not writing from the grave.. lol! I think it's awesome that you're thinking about going back for another degree!! I don't think I have the balls to do that at this point.. so kudos!
    @heatherc369 good job on the weights! You made me crave sweet potato fries.. lol
    I'm doing well.. didn't log this weekend but I'm doing well logging so far this week. Went to a spirituality class thing last night and it was really good. I'm hoping to meet some people that are on the same kind of spiritual path I'm on, I need some people I can hang with in 3d land that get what I"m about right now. Will be every monday night for a while.. so looking forward to it :)

    I'm going to the gym tonight so I'll be back later..er tomorrow... to report on my progress :) Feeling like trying some new lifting exercises.. we'll see what I get up to tonight. Really want to just go deadlift for some reason. Have a good night!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @NadiaMayl your education and goals are quite impressive! Let us know how the meeting goes.
    @heatherc369 excellent job on all the exercise!
    @Kerryatoon Glad you found a class and a group of people who are like-minded. Hope you can find a close few that can complete your circle. What did you decide to do at the gym?

    I had my lowest glucose reading yet of 120 (normal would be 110 or lower for that time of day). But the other times of the day are still too high. I'm kind of at a plateau with my glucose. My PCP referred me to a nutritionist without me knowing, so I was surprised when they called today to schedule an appointment. I had been wanting a nutritionist about 6 months ago, but couldn't find one on my insurance so I gave up. They say they take my insurance. I'm not really sure what a nutritionist can do for me. I do know what I'm supposed to be doing. They say, what 3-4 oz of meat, a serving of veg, a serving of starch (real servings, not what we think are servings! lol), dairy...I don't cook that way. Most of my meals are in casserole form where everything is thrown together. We'll see what they have to say. If nothing different then I don't have to go back. Appt isn't until Sept. 14.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    @Kerryatoon thank you! And I'll be having more sweet potato fries again tomorrow ;)

    @AZLisaLou Its hard, you literally have to change EVERYTHING you are used to. It takes,time.....SOOOOO much time and will power and determination..but eventually it all becomes habit and automatic. And once you get past thst point the hardest part is over (IMO).

    Today I surpassed my water and step goals , did my usual (10) Sets of 20 Squats, (10) Sets of 12 Lunges (10) Sets of 50+ Calf Raises. Didn't get to workout tonight because,by the time I got home from picking my son up from school after work, hubby had dinner made stuffed our faces then hopped in the car to make it to my son's open house, his bed times 8, we got home at 8 and he still had to shower, do math homework and read for 15 mins, on top of the mess from dinner and breakfast needing to be clean and Lunches for ty ok morrow to be made and logged........it's 9pm and I just stopped......I'm beat lol

  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    And this is why I'm not sure I'm ready to go back to school....... Appointment wasn't yesterday, it's today!!!! I got there (2hr. drive), and her office was closed..... WTF? Calendar confirmed Tuesday.... Mmmhhhh, check email thread, WHAT!?!?! Drive back 2 hours. Just to do it all over again today. Soccer and middle school open house after all that! It was fun but I'm pooped!
    No gym for me today again.
    Calories, water and steps in order!!
    @heatherc369 you are stil melting off, Girlie, I'm impressed!!!
    @AZLisaLou do you have any questions she could answer? Maybe tips for snacks, ingredient substitution?
    @Kerryatoon the spirituality class sounds fun. I've always wanted to look for a like-minded group but been postponing. Humanist group or something like that would be fun, but none in my burbs. Let us know how it goes!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @NadiaMayl Yes, I was thinking she might be able to help with different suggestions for snacks and maybe how to replace pasta in my dishes. A LOT call for pasta and I don't know how to get around that. If you can think of any more good question ideas, please let me know. I want to get as much out of my appointment as I can. As far as your appointment goes...I completely missed an important one yesterday. Even though it's written right on my calendar!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    NadiaMayl wrote: »
    And this is why I'm not sure I'm ready to go back to school....... Appointment wasn't yesterday, it's today!!!! I got there (2hr. drive), and her office was closed..... WTF? Calendar confirmed Tuesday.... Mmmhhhh, check email thread, WHAT!?!?! Drive back 2 hours. Just to do it all over again today. Soccer and middle school open house after all that! It was fun but I'm pooped!
    No gym for me today again.
    Calories, water and steps in order!!
    @heatherc369 you are stil melting off, Girlie, I'm impressed!!!
    @AZLisaLou do you have any questions she could answer? Maybe tips for snacks, ingredient substitution?
    @Kerryatoon the spirituality class sounds fun. I've always wanted to look for a like-minded group but been postponing. Humanist group or something like that would be fun, but none in my burbs. Let us know how it goes!

    omg girl that sucks! I'd be pissed ! Ugh !

    And I'm surprised too, like totally surprised....thinking of upping cals maybe a little more I don't know, I don't wana be skinny, I don't wana be skinny fat.....I wana be fit......the struggle is real !
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    @NadiaMayl Yes, I was thinking she might be able to help with different suggestions for snacks and maybe how to replace pasta in my dishes. A LOT call for pasta and I don't know how to get around that. If you can think of any more good question ideas, please let me know. I want to get as much out of my appointment as I can. As far as your appointment goes...I completely missed an important one yesterday. Even though it's written right on my calendar!

    We no longer use pasta in my house for anything ! There's no dish that cannot be substituted with either spaghetti squash, zucchini or Cauliflower:) Takes time for the kids to get used to it but if they're hungry they'll eat it :wink:
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    @NadiaMayl Yes, I was thinking she might be able to help with different suggestions for snacks and maybe how to replace pasta in my dishes. A LOT call for pasta and I don't know how to get around that. If you can think of any more good question ideas, please let me know. I want to get as much out of my appointment as I can. As far as your appointment goes...I completely missed an important one yesterday. Even though it's written right on my calendar!
    I've tried some of the rice pastas, but not sure if that would benefit you. I don't skip pasta or rice, but use whole wheat pastas and I don't eat too much of it, I can do with a half a cup serving. Rice, well, I'm Mexican, I can't do without rice... Hehehe white rice, Mexican rice, you name it... But I can also moderate the portions, most of the time. I recommend looking for the non-enriched whole wheat products (organic and Italian most of the time)! I've recently read studies about how in the 70s our wheat products started getting enriched with synthetic nutrients (B vitamins, riboflavin so, etc) and they've started seeing an increase in the gluten sensitivities AND, they have discovered that there is a gene mutation (which40% of us have) which makes us incapable of processing synthetic folic acid and other synthetic nutrients, making some resulting in some deficiencies which are guilty of increased cases of depression and bipolar disorders. Really interesting stuff, preliminary still, but shows some insight in some stuff.... All of this p, I'm passionate about! Going back to original, wholesome foods that have little human intelligence tampering!

    Ha, I've gone off the rail! :P
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @heatherc369 meh, I made the mistake of trusting the silly smart phone.... I probably slid the appointment from one day to the next by mistake! But today's meeting went well. Still got a couple of other leads to pursue before any decisions are made, but I'm excited!
    It'll be fun to see how you (and me) need to adjust to maintenance and getting fitter! I think I'd like to see 5 more lbs gone while toning!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    NadiaMayl wrote: »
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    @NadiaMayl Yes, I was thinking she might be able to help with different suggestions for snacks and maybe how to replace pasta in my dishes. A LOT call for pasta and I don't know how to get around that. If you can think of any more good question ideas, please let me know. I want to get as much out of my appointment as I can. As far as your appointment goes...I completely missed an important one yesterday. Even though it's written right on my calendar!
    I've tried some of the rice pastas, but not sure if that would benefit you. I don't skip pasta or rice, but use whole wheat pastas and I don't eat too much of it, I can do with a half a cup serving. Rice, well, I'm Mexican, I can't do without rice... Hehehe white rice, Mexican rice, you name it... But I can also moderate the portions, most of the time. I recommend looking for the non-enriched whole wheat products (organic and Italian most of the time)! I've recently read studies about how in the 70s our wheat products started getting enriched with synthetic nutrients (B vitamins, riboflavin so, etc) and they've started seeing an increase in the gluten sensitivities AND, they have discovered that there is a gene mutation (which40% of us have) which makes us incapable of processing synthetic folic acid and other synthetic nutrients, making some resulting in some deficiencies which are guilty of increased cases of depression and bipolar disorders. Really interesting stuff, preliminary still, but shows some insight in some stuff.... All of this p, I'm passionate about! Going back to original, wholesome foods that have little human intelligence tampering!

    Ha, I've gone off the rail! :P

    @NadiaMayl I too love rice. White rice mostly. How interesting about nutrient deficiencies. I am on disability income due to mental illness, bipolar with psychosis; But according to the newest DSM (a book of medical diagnoses...or something like that...for those not knowing), it's now all under Schizoaffective Disorder with Depression. The Schizoaffective covers all the bipolar stuff along with the psychosis part. Anyways, that's what I've been diagnosed with, and I take 4 medications to keep myself stable and functioning reasonably well in my life. I'll look into the organic whole wheat pastas. And, just as a note, I also keep my portions regulated. I measure and weigh almost everything.
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @AZLisaLou that's a tough diagnosis with a complex road to find the right medication balance! I'm glad you are under medical care!
    The DSM-5 gets changed every couple of years since so many disorders are still being investigated and so many are constantly evolving to fit society's needs. We learn more about mood disorders every year, how to classify them, what treatments work best, nutritional interactions, genetics, etc...
    Regarding the genetic mutation that I was talking about yesterday (the MTHFR) has been directly linked to bipolar disorder, autism, depression, etc... not only that, it has also been linked to early pregnancy miscarriages. Here is a link to a basic article about it, if it interests you:
    Besides this particular finding, I am very convinced that what we've done to our food supply in the last 75 years has had a HUGE impact in our physical and mental health. We remove nutrients by bleaching our flours only to add synthetic crap to them because otherwise we become deficient. The SUGAR, not only have we added it to EVERYTHING, it's also the bad sugar, processed, bleached, or even worse, made of highly processed corn. Same thing with our dairy products. Not to mention the amounts of chemicals we add to all our processed foods... and pesticides, I'm not even going to go there! I really think we are changing our DNA by consuming so many altered foods. In turn changing our brain chemistry and bodily reactions!
    I am super passionate about this particular topic! HEHE!
    It's all a learning process, little changes at a time! So, as long as you are feeling positive with the changes that you are able to manage in your life at a particular point in time, that's what's important and it counts tremendoously!!! It has taken me years to find a balance between obsession with fad diets or fad exercise routine and realizing that it's about bringing back to basics and nature! =) we are all on a lifelong journey!!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @NadiaMayl wow! what an article! I'll be honest and tell you I got confused when they were talking about the different (better) forms of the B vitamins....so many big words lol! Interestingly, I had 4 miscarriages after my 2nd and in order to carry my last 2 to term I had to have twice daily injections of a blood thinner (because of Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome). I wonder if this MTHFR gene mutation has anything to do with my issues. I take a mutli vitamin but I notice it has folic acid. Mental illnesses run in my family, so it is a possibility that we've been inheriting this gene mutation. It would be interesting to know for sure. I'll talk to my doctor about it. Doesn't everything have folic acid in it??
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    It is truly interesting! I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriages, regardless of the cause, it must have been heartbreaking!! Of course, I am not to say that all of the sudden we all have this Mutation! But the 40% is a high number worth looking into! And if you have a family history, it may well be indicating a genetic hand me down!! Just like with any 'fad' medical finding, one must tread carefully. At least on the genetic mutation, I think it holds validity to ask your doctor if it's possible to get yourself tested.
    Once you get a hold of all the acronyms and read a few articles on the subject you get a little more comfortable with quicker understanding.
    Folic Acid is just another nutrient needed for our bodies to be healthy. Unfortunately, a lot of our food supply which uses 'enriched' white flour (baking flour, pasta, cereal, bread, flour tortillas, anything made with enriched flour) will have synthetic forms of the nutrients that we strip out of our flours when we make them white instead of whole wheat (White flour, in the U.S., is nothing but Whole Wheat Flour which has been stripped of its 'brown peal', processed and bleached, and then we add a bunch of synthetic vitamins to it because we've stripped it of its natural nutrients --really moronic, if you really think about it). Another 'unfortunately', the more synthtetic and processed crap we add to our food sources, the more digestive issues we also encounter... I suspect a lot of our 'gluten intolerances' come from the way we are processing our foods. But I digress. When you read the labels of all and any foods that are made with flour, just look at the lovely list of items to make it 'fortified' or enriched: Riboflavin, Vitamin A-Z, Folic Acid, Niacin, etc. etc... these are all necessary for nutrition and body function, but not in synthetic form (which is how these food manufacturers add them to foods)... we get those nutrients from wholesome foods like fruits, veggies, proteins, and whole wheats...

    This is a great example of how we think we are giving our kids a healthy snack... but then we look at the ingredients and .... then all those fake vitamins from the enriched flour...

    A couple of articles:

    Anyway, again... did I say this is a fascinating subject to me??!! =D
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Oh WOW, a super quick search for MTHFR mutation and Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and I got a few big articles on possible associations... http://press.endocrine.org/doi/full/10.1210/jc.2005-2782
    Big relation to Lupus as well...
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    NadiaMayl wrote: »
    @heatherc369 meh, I made the mistake of trusting the silly smart phone.... I probably slid the appointment from one day to the next by mistake! But today's meeting went well. Still got a couple of other leads to pursue before any decisions are made, but I'm excited!
    It'll be fun to see how you (and me) need to adjust to maintenance and getting fitter! I think I'd like to see 5 more lbs gone while toning!

    I'm right there with ya, I feel like I'm just wandering around aimlessly LOL I don't know what I want except for muscles haha
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Okay I I'm gona have to come back to this post later when I have more time to read everything I'm in a rush right now not ignoring anyone promise!

    I surpassed my step and water goal, ate within my calories (well sort of,I never used to eat back my exercise calories but lately have been super hungry so ive been eating about half back) and did my usual (10) Sets of 20 Squats (10) Sets of 12 Lunges and (10) Sets of 50+ Calf Raises then I did 60 minutes of bi's and tri's (4) Sets of 15 of all of the following all with 10 lbs dumbells : bicep curls, preacher curls, Arnold Press, tricep extension, tricep Dips and bent over tricep extensions #WontQuitTilImFit #fitchick #fitness #weightloss #iwantmybodyback #nomorefat #MFP #dedication #commitment #dontwishforitworkforit #determination #timetotone #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #workinprogress #showmetheguns
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    I had my phone appointment with my health advisor this morning. I told her my morning glucose reading was 153, and she was disappointed that it was so high. I was completely bummed out because I've managed to get it there from an original reading of 356! I'd say coming down 200 points in about 6 weeks is pretty dang good. So she rained on my parade a little. I have to do better with my carbs and try not to go over 180, which means I've really got to say no to soda. I was doing so well with not having it hardly at all, but now it's been creeping back in on me. Need to nip that. On the good side, I surpassed my August goal of a 5 lb loss and actually made it a 7 lb loss. Nearly 2 lbs/week is pretty good, yes? I'm going to make another goal of 5 lbs for September.

    I found something that tastes freaking amazing! I have recently discovered that I really like Chobani Greek yogurt. I was sticking with the "normal" cherry, strawberry banana, and wild berry. But yesterday I got some new flavors, and my absolute new favorite is pineapple on the bottom. oh, my goodness does it taste amazing! I would rather have more of that than a couple scoops of ice cream (and I love ice cream). But that's how good it was. I'm going to buy probably 5 of those this week!

    I hope everyone has a good long weekend. I'm going out to dinner one night. I'm not going to worry so much about the calories as I'm going to focus on the carbs. Steak, salad, and maybe a real serving size of mashed potatoes...not the serving size they give you.