September 2016



  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    @JanolaBarbara Yes, it's the cute trainer making me work harder, but the benefits are definitely worth it! I'm convinced he is a magician because he gets me to achieve the impossible!

    @2020pinktogo I forget that people don't always know what the terms I use are, but it is actually a good idea to Google how to do an armbar because it can be a really good self defense technique. That is one of the benefits of Jui Jitsu, it's self defense applications, especially for small weak people against big strong ones!

    I'm having a lazy day which has involved far too much snacking! Tomorrow starts with a 6am session with cute trainer so I know the lazy will end tonight!
  • blitzbis
    blitzbis Posts: 366 Member
    @2020pinktogo looks like lots of job changes in the "pinktogo" family. Best of luck to your brother. I also looked up armbars. I was visualizing drinking games and arm wrestling. TEE HEE!
    @CaptainBoing how was the swimming with the seal pups? any news on the online relationship?

    Doctor actually left yesterday at 5:15. Of course we had several not show up but at least it was an early day. Hope you all have a great Thursday.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    @blitzbis :D That's so funny
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I haven't got to swim with the pups yet (they are nearly two years old but we still refer to them as pups even though Andy is over 50kgs!) Either weather or other commitments or pump problems which left the water too shallow. Going to try again in Sunday.

    Online guy is travelling for work with some technical problems so very limited communication until he gets back. The plan is then to discuss meeting face to face!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    @CaptainBoing See thus why I am thinking you are defending yourself from wild animals all the time. LOL :D
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    Hey y'all! I'm glad to read that everyone is doing so well! I piddled away Saturday and Sunday so I wasn't as productive over the holiday weekend as I needed to be. This weekend I have to make up for wasted time. I have got to really kick it in to gear and start working on my second job and preparing for organizing Christmas sponsors. I also have a lot to do at home. Additionally, a new friend is having a double mastectomy today. I want to check on her some throughout the weekend.

    I've tried a couple of new things at the gym this week - some good and some bad. I won't be trying the cardio and fat burning programs on the treadmill again. The way I had the programs set, the treadmill ended up with an incline of 10! I have seldom used an incline. That woke up my sciatica unfortunately! I will start using incline some but not at that level.

    The trainer kicked at our butts in ab class last night. In between lifting weights, we had to do burpees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, and such. He said we were the advanced class and he did the activities with us which he normally doesn't do. When we finished, I had only about 5,650 steps in for the day so I ate some full fat string cheese and got on the treadmill. Oh my gosh! I couldn't get up to my normal speed. Thankfully, I'm not sore today, just some sciatica pain. I surprised myself with my ability to keep up doing the cardio. I was the oldest one in the class. I was disappointed when I was how few calories I burned. Hopefully, I am losing some girth in my stomach and hips. I could wear a smaller size clothes if I could lose that. I didn't know how much harder it would be to lose belly fat once menopause set in.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • blitzbis
    blitzbis Posts: 366 Member
    My usual morning check in and response will have to wait. One of the therapists is out today so I'm attempting to get some group topics in. Thankfully I dont have to do this often so my tried and true ones will suffice.
    Have a happy Friday!
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hey, guys, I was still stuck in August! I never moved on to the September thread!!! Didn't anybody miss me?
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    A co-worker eats chia seeds daily like oatmeal. She thinks it's better for you than oatmeal. I eat oatmeal daily. I ventured out today and tried the chia seed. I'm so glad I found a very small package of chia seeds to try. It was edible but not very good in my opinion. Plus, it looks kind of disgusting. You win some, you lose some. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  • JanolaBarbara
    JanolaBarbara Posts: 322 Member
    @NewOR2015 -- Yes, I saw that and I was just there reading your posts. Welcome to September! Glad you're back!!

    @1skholloway -- I used to put chia seeds in my waterbottle. It did make drinking water more 'fun'. I've also tried to make chia desserts. One was a total fail. The chocolate pudding was pretty good. You do have to like the texture, which I do. (huh, I should make this again.) Well done keeping up with your advanced class!

    @2020pinktogo -- I also love black. But, I will accessorize with bright colors, so I'm bright but mostly wearing my 'safe' dark colors.

    My nephew is here for a short visit. He is home-schooled, so we're lucky his schedule has the flexibility for this visit! Actually went out to lunch twice, and I was able to find foods that fit my program (*whew*). Not sure if I'm losing weight, but I my GI feels a lot better and I seem to be a little less hungry. The last time I did this program, I had a hard time staying near 2000 cal/day. Now, I'm easily staying around 1600cal.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    @NewOR2015 I just checked you out over there lol.

    @1skholloway I put the Chia in my yogurt I let it sit at least a 1/2 hour for the seeds to swell. A little bit packs a punch . My mom puts some in her baking muffins and breads.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    edited September 2016
    @2020pinktogo I see where chia seed could be ok that way. I won't eat it again just soaked in water or milk. Maybe if I tried it a few more times I would like it better.

    @JanolaBarbara I hope you enjoy your nephew's visit.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    @1skholloway yeah I throw in like no more than a Tbs in 16 oz of yogurt it has no taste it just adds protein and it's really good for your colon. It's funny how yow you get to a certain age and suddenly you worry about your colon health. LOL ;)
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Guess I'll be trying chia seeds with the rest of my group.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I thought I posted my comment on chia seeds. One or two spoons in my overnight oats most days. I once made a chia seed dessert. I think it was chia, coconut milk and berries. Very nice, because you get the flavour from the others and the chia makes it thick and settle, kind of like jelly.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    edited September 2016
    Chis is good for your colon @2020pinktogo ? I need to be concerned about that at 47??? Good luck on trying chia @NewOR2015 ! @CaptainBoing I think you did post about chia. As much as I like oatmeal, I don't like overnight oats either. I don't know why. I like oatmeal in smoothies but not cold oatmeal.

    I'm finally logging in what I ate for breakfast 3 hours after I ate and I don't remember if I included one ingredient. Hmmm... I hate when I do this! I usually lean toward the high side of caloric intake but this is a difference of 80 calories. I don't remember adding cottage cheese to my smoothie this morning. I'm not adding it.

    The low carb sugar free tortillas I have been eating are no longer available locally. The only other things I can find are much more expensive. Thankfully, I have found that Target carries the tortillas and will ship them. I got a RedCard so shipping is free and I will save 5%. I don't know how they can afford to do that. I will enjoy it as long as it lasts!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I'm really bad at logging my food at the moment! Really trying to do better at it.

    But had two good things happen today. Firstly, the normal gym I go to (I also go to a Jui Jitsu gym) isn't really suiting me. I want high intensity classes where they really push you, but those are rare and the times really don't suit me. There is a new gym opening in January and I went to find out more about it. Sounds awesome with loads of classes of various types and a low monthly fee. The sign up fee is really steep, but I have a few months to save and the location is also more suitable. I would be able to go during my lunchtime when working or from home with ease!

    The other thing was bumping into a friend I have known since school days. His sister and I were really close then and still keep in touch. I don't see him often (even though he actually lives around the corner from me!) He complimented me on how I look these days and actually went on for about 5 minutes about how incredible the transformation is. He said I actually look better than I did when I was at school (which is over 20 years ago!)
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    @CaptainBoing sounds like you are having a GREAT Monday! Whoo hoo! So happy for you!
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    @CaptainBoing Wow! That's a compliment!

    @1skholloway Sugar-free tortillas? I didn't know tortillas had sugar in the first place.
  • JanolaBarbara
    JanolaBarbara Posts: 322 Member
    edited September 2016
    I found a recipe for Sticky Cinnamon Roll Chia Pudding. I'll have to give it a try. It calls for protein powder, which I don't do, so I'll probably toss in an eggwhite or coconut meal.

    My nephew leaves tomorrow morning. I'll miss having him around, but I'm also ready to return to my childfree life. I'm always appreciative of all the work parents do to raise their kids after a visit from a niece or nephew.

    @CaptainBoing --what a great compliment! Also, I do think of my colon health and I'm 'only' 47. XD

    @1skholloway -- grrrr. I hate it when you find a perfect food, and the stores stop carrying it. Guess you'll have to find a way to stock up!

    @NewOR2015 -- Let us know how it goes with the chia seeds. I sometimes find them in the gourmet food aisle at Marshall's. Just be sure to check the expiration date.