Be a challenge

Good morning
I have not seen a challenge for a few days so I decided to be a challenge to myself. This is hard as I am my worst enemy when it comes to leaning "Me" to any challenge so I am stepping out on the limb and just checking for strength in my "weakness" which is eating so today will be a semi-fast and eating less . Thanks and please join me and let me know how you did with this challenge!


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Good for you, @motivatedeeat74! Small actions (such as eating just a little less each day) that are done over and over again can have a huge impact. My personal challenge this week has been to put together an application for an exciting new job. It's scary, because I've been at my current job for almost 26 years and I enjoy it, but this could be a great growth opportunity for me.