Keeping focused and motivated.

krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
Hey gang just wanted to start a thread on the above topic to see what we do when we need to regain motivation. For our first 75 days, I had no problem I was very determined to make our goal. Then I will admit that I took 2 weeks off. Maybe it was my just a natural thing that happens, maybe it was just a case of the lazies coming back into my regiment, who knows, but I gained 2 pounds 2 weeks ago and kept steady last week. Granted one of our friends got married and had a pig and steak roast and, well I ate like that hog used too!!! I guess we have to treat ourselves once in a while right??? Now a few of you, my great friends, have been encouraging and challenging me to get the edge back and re-focus up, get our goals back in sight, and get back to improving myself!!!

HOW FREEKING AWESOME YOU ARE!!!!! Thank you, if that isn't true friendship, I am in just total awe, and forever grateful to all of you who don't know me from Adam, to take your valuable time and kick me square in the butt cheeks and get me back on track!!!!!!

So as we continue this journey, I am here to give back to anyone who needs help. And will gladly return the butt kick when needed!!!! Obviously we cant be perfect day in and day out, nor obviously week in and week out, its just not our nature, unfortunately, OK unless someone is paying you mega bucks which is its own motivation.
So I guess I am saying this is a huge challenge we have in front of us, it has taken years for us to get into the shape we are in, and now I challenge you all to continue doing the fantastic job, we are trying to undo years of overeating and under exercising in just a year maybe two. Keep that focus, regain the focus when needed my friends, and most of all, rely on each other amongst this group, you are all truly great die hards!!!

Does anyone have any tips on how you keep your motivation and or desire? My biggest weakness is lack of will power, and I have forced myself several times to walk by that cookie plate, just cuz I don't want to let you all down, and you all mean so much to me, that I have worked hard on improving my will power!!!


  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    I am setting short term goals. My first goal was to be ready for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life event in June. Thank goodness I was healthier because I wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise.

    Then I set a very short term goal of getting through surgery/recovery in July and be able to go to my son's college orientation a few days ago. Also at a pound less per week than before surgery. That worked too.

    Now, I set a goal for visiting our oldest son at college. I've got 18 days to go and I hope to take off 2.5 pounds before hopping on the plane. It will be a challenge because I have at least 2 restaurant events before I go and I have found that I still eat more when I go out. It's hard not having the kitchen scale at hand. It's hard knowing how many calories and sodium are there.
    It's just hard.

    I am going to be working out 6 days a week and I am working to keep my sodium at 1500 mg or less. That has been the most difficult challenge. There is sodium in everything.

    Thanks to mfp friends for keeping me encouraged.

  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    Well I am not the best to take advice from for this, since I hardly lost any during the challange and I've gained the last two weeks too. But I find that doing something every other day has helped me keep motivated and logging religiously EVERY day, except for 1 day (Sunday). I think sometimes you need a break from it and I still tend to exercise and eat healthy on those days. I also found that making a checklist for me helps of what I need to do, exercise wise (recently found this out).

    Just keep on moving!

    Also, people saying that I look great really helps me! :)
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    For motivation, I like to buy cute and/or on-sale clothes too small - for example, I bought a size 14 skirt a while back (when I was an 18), and it took me about two months to get into it, but once I reached that point, it's a great motivation to not fall back into my old habits.

    I’ve always had stronger willpower to stick with diet and eating habits, than I’ve had motivation to work out. I started out with a bang when I began MFP, and I think I burnt myself out on workouts. I'm taking small steps toward the ultimate goal of developing a fitness “routine,” by doing little workouts around the house daily, but I've been avoiding the gym/cardio like the plague! My standard excuse is the time it takes to get home, get changed, drive to the gym, work out, drive home, shower, then get ready again (because I usually have plans after the gym) - so it’s just a hell of a lot easier to skip it! I might have to start scheduling outings around gym time, but I’m just not there yet. Basically, I’m saying I have no advice on how to stay motivated to workout, other than to come to terms with it just being something we have to do, and I’m still fighting this battle with myself! Some of y’all are kicking butt and should be VERY proud of yourselves for everyday you make it happen! I aspire to be like you one day :)
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Right now I'm cheating when it comes to staying motivated - I have a personal trainer to help keep me on track. And yes I'm the one rolling myself out of bed early to go for my run before work but some days the only thing that gets me to do that is picturing myself having to tell Jason I blew it off. I don't want to disappoint him. And after years (and years and years) of being willing to disappoint myself, I'm finally getting to a place where I don't want to let myself down either.

    I also set mini goals. I have a random nail in a corner of my kitchen and I keep an item of clothing hung on it that's one size too small. Periodically I try it on, just to see how close I am, and then one day it fits. Sometimes I don't feel like I've been getting any smaller so it's a huge surprise when it fits. I then go digging through my closets to find something a size smaller. I'm now in the smallest clothes I have in the house so pretty soon I'm going to have to start buying smaller clothes. That's a pretty big NSV for me. That nail is in sight of my refrigerator, so when I want to go randomly grab a snack it reminds me to have the "am I actually hungry or am I eating because I'm bored" conversation with myself.

    Yesterday I donated 2 more bags of clothes that were too big, including several pair of jeans. If they're out of the house then if the jeans I have on right now get too tight I'm SOL so I better get my act together again.
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    Definitely a good idea to get rid of the too big clothes! That's on my agenda for next going back!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Definitely a good idea to get rid of the too big clothes! That's on my agenda for next going back!!