Week 23 Daily Check-In Thread for (Monday September 5th through Sunday September 11th)

heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
Here We Go!


  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    I'll be first. I really struggled this weekend with calories and carbs. my glucose readings were a little higher than they had been (by just a few points). I need to get this back under control. We didn't go to Texas Roadhouse for a steak. Instead Jeff (my husband) wanted Panda Express (chinese take out). My sugars spiked so high, and took forever to get back to where my current normal is. Guess Panda is out of the picture for me in the future. I guess I could get the steak/veggies instead of the sugar-heavy orange chicken. Maybe I can still have Panda. For sure not the orange chicken though, which is sad. :(

    How's your week starting off?
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    I'll be first. I really struggled this weekend with calories and carbs. my glucose readings were a little higher than they had been (by just a few points). I need to get this back under control. We didn't go to Texas Roadhouse for a steak. Instead Jeff (my husband) wanted Panda Express (chinese take out). My sugars spiked so high, and took forever to get back to where my current normal is. Guess Panda is out of the picture for me in the future. I guess I could get the steak/veggies instead of the sugar-heavy orange chicken. Maybe I can still have Panda. For sure not the orange chicken though, which is sad. :(

    How's your week starting off?

    Soo much sodium in all that!! But yes Orange chicken is probably the worst choice healthwise....maybe teriyaki Chicken no sauce and mixed veggies ? That's what I get when I go there
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    I surpassed my step and water goal, did my usual (10) Sets each of 20 squats, 12 Lunges and 100 Calf Raises, then came home and did day one of week one of Jillian Michaels 6weeksixpack!! I can't even did the side planks WTF .....#goals #6pack #abs #UnderConstructuon #JillianMichaels #6week6pack #WontQuitTilImFit #fitchick #fitness #weightloss #iwantmybodyback #nomorefat #MFP #dedication #commitment #dontwishforitworkforit #determination #timetotone #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #workinprogress #showmetheguns
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @AZLisaLou every day is anew start! Don't beat yourself up and get back on the saddle! :)
    We had soccer tournaments for the boys both Saturday and Sunday. Left the house at 6:00 and got back at 6:00... Packed lunches, fruit, and tons of water... We did get a meal out, iHop for Saturday and I went for salad with chix breast. Sunday was pizza for the team, I had one slice... Which in the past would've been impossible... I would've eaten three at least and would've felt panicked as if I would never eat it again! This weekend, was a good realization that my habits are finally becoming more healthy than not! It felt good!
    Today, back on the spinning saddle, felt great to burn 600 calories in one hour! Surpassed my 10K steps, drank all my 'agua', and cooked a very yummy, healthy, Mexican-have-it-all soup! Tomorrow barbell, I'll be sore! :P
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    !! I can't even did the side planks WTF ....s
    . Side planks are kick*kitten* hard!!!!

  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @NadiaMayl about how far is 10k steps?
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    @NadiaMayl about how far is 10k steps?
    . No idea, Hahahaha.... Just what I walk in a regular school day, with a trip to the gym, and normal cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping....

  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    @NadiaMayl about how far is 10k steps?

    According to Google it's about 5 miles.
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    NadiaMayl wrote: »
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    @NadiaMayl about how far is 10k steps?

    According to Google it's about 5 miles.

    Oh wow! That's far! I probably don't even walk that in a week! Guess I should increase my steps to join the living. lol
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    NadiaMayl wrote: »
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    @NadiaMayl about how far is 10k steps?

    According to Google it's about 5 miles.

    Oh wow! That's far! I probably don't even walk that in a week! Guess I should increase my steps to join the living. lol

    Hehehe that's life of a stay-at-home-mom of two boys ages 10 and 11.... Chase, chase, go, go, go... But I do admit, the one hour gym classes help add to the steps! And not every day is like this.... My typical Sunday's I barely come close to 4000 steps... Hehehe
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    NadiaMayl wrote: »
    !! I can't even did the side planks WTF ....s
    . Side planks are kick*kitten* hard!!!!

    Ugh I try but no dice lol
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    NadiaMayl wrote: »
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    @NadiaMayl about how far is 10k steps?

    According to Google it's about 5 miles.

    Oh wow! That's far! I probably don't even walk that in a week! Guess I should increase my steps to join the living. lol

    I read just hitting your 10k a day consistently is enough to lose weight :)
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    I surpassed my step and water goal, ate within my calories and did my usual (10) Sets of 20 Squats (10) Sets of 12 Lunges and (10) Sets of 100+ Calf Raises , Then we did our family park day where I did (3) Sets of 15 each with 10 lbs dumbells in each hand Bicep Curls , Preacher Curls and Arnold presses....and played a little basket ball with the kiddo n hubby ....then came home and did Day 2 of week 1 Level 1 of 6-Week 6-pack !!!! #WontQuitTilImFit #fitchick #fitness #weightloss #iwantmybodyback #nomorefat #MFP #dedication #commitment #dontwishforitworkforit #determination #timetotone #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #workinprogress #showmetheguns #JillianMichaels #6week6pack
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Wwwoohhoooo with the awesome activity day! Good job!
    I got my 10000+ steps, got all my water in, good on my calories, plus went back to my dear Barbell class....... My triceps were cramping when I got out of class. I could feel my muscles were exerted and could barely keep up with normal body movements, I suspect I will be VERY sore tomorrow.... Hehehe so I'll take a day off of lifts and go do my spin for cardio! It's getting to be a great week!
    Hubby goes out of town on Saturday, for two weeks, maybe three.... Good grief, I will survive! But I'm hoping to do really well with getting back into routine, that he sees a bit of a difference, maybe a bit of muscle toning!
    But hey, maybe just survival would be a good goal...... Hahaha
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @heatherc369 and @NadiaMayl you two are kicking butt on the exercising! Good for both of you.

    I had a really horrible day yesterday. It was a tough and stressful day spent mostly in the car. When that happens, I usually stray from a good, solid menu to quick on the go stuff from McD's or wherever. I should plan ahead, but I didn't know it was going to turn out the way it did. BUT today is a new day, and I've started off my day on the right track with an atkins shake and milk. For lunch I plan on having a Chobani Greek yogurt, and for dinner I think potatoes and ham.

    My glucose morning average went up a few points this past week from the week before. Just 4 points, but it was still a big disappointment. There was one day where it was really high that just put the numbers all out of whack. This morning it was a little lower than the average, so I'm hopeful it will keep coming down....as long as I do my part and don't go over my carb limit.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @AZLisaLou sorry about your crummy day yesterday! Here's to a new day everyday! I need to plan ahead when I know it's going to be a tough or busy day, otherwise it's harder to make good choices!
    I started feeling a bit off last night and hoped for a good night sleep. Woke up still off, hoping it's just allergies, or at least that my very sturdy immune system (HA) will fight off whatever is making me feel icky! With the hubs leaving on Saturday, this momma can't afford to be under the weather!
    I kicked my tush to spin class and realized how sore I am from yesterday's lifting..... ...... Steps are almost completed, water is on target, and calories are looking in order today!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    @AZLisaLou there are some options at McDonalds that aren't too bad, the southwest chicken salad used to be pretty yummy, not sure if they make it anymore because it's been awhile since I've been there but I loved it!

    @NadiaMayl glad you're getting your groove back lady !!

    @Kerryatoon miss you chick!!

    I surpassed my step and water goal, ate within my calories and did my usual (10) Sets of 20 Squats (10) Sets of 12 Lunges and (10) Sets of 100+ Calf Raises and did Day 3 of week 1 Level 1 of 6-Week 6-pack !!!! #WontQuitTilImFit #fitchick #fitness #weightloss #iwantmybodyback #nomorefat #MFP #dedication #commitment #dontwishforitworkforit #determination #timetotone #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #workinprogress #showmetheguns #JillianMichaels #6week6pack
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Oh and ever since I upped my calories to maintenence I have been gaining daily.....omg this is freaking me out but I have to stick with it and trust the process...oohhmmmmmmm
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    OH EM GEE am I in pain today! Jillian kept telling me I could do the side planks, I kept telling her I couldn't...so I blame her for the pulled muscle in my back that is killing me right now! Since I have Disney World for my Sons B-day on Tuesday and I CANNOT be sore for that....I will probably be resting until then :( It's all Jillian's fault!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Ow ow ow, sorry to hear about your pulled muscle! Even JM gets it wrong sometimes, listen to your body, by now, you know better! Hope it heals for the kid's bday party! I'd love to live near Disney!!! :D
    I did a 30 minute treadmill workout! Day 2 of soreness is WAY worse than day 1! I am in serious pain from the barbell class.... Just walking gets me exhausted its so painful... But it's good pain! Water was on target, steps went over 11,000 (which it's actually about 3.7 miles according to my polar, I don't know), calories were good!
    Two soccer games tomorrow in different sides of the city and hubs leaves for work for 3 weeks! My cray-cray levels will need y'alls support (did that sound too Texan?!)!! Probably no gym workout this weekend, I'll try to climb on the treadmill!
    Have a lovely weekend, ladies! (@Kerryatoon you better comeback soon lady! We miss you and wanna keep on supporting you,