Holistic challenge results...July 8-14



  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    First off...this last week has been HORRID!!!

    Days I drank 8 cups of water: 7
    - Days I ate 2 (1/2c) servings of fruit: 2
    - Days I ate 3 (1/2c) servings of vegetables: 3
    - Days I avoided refined sugary snacks: 2
    - Days I logged all food consumed in my MFP food diary: 3
    - Days I exercised for 30 minutes: 6
    - Days I exercised for 45+ minutes: 0
    - Days I practiced additional self-care: 1
    - Number of pounds lost: 0
    - Indicate here if you maintained your weight:
    - Indicate here if you gained weight: 2lbs....and they are all SODIUM!!! ARGH!!!!
  • Elizabeth_in_MN
    Elizabeth_in_MN Posts: 167 Member
    Yikes! I just realize that I cut off the totals for the cumulative chart. I will fix it for next week (and the couple of week one entries that are not carrying over). Sorry about that!!

    And W I will add your victories to the charts for next week (it's all about the cognitive restructuring!)
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    Omigosh, I'm with Wraiythe. Horrible weekend. But here goes:

    8 cups of water - 5 (power went out and we were conserving water)
    2 servings of fruit - 3 I think
    3 servings of vegetables - 5 at least
    Avoided refined sugar - 2
    Logged all food - 4
    Exercised 30 mins - 1
    Exercised 45+ - 4
    Additional self care - 5
    Weight gain - remarkably only 0.8 lbs. (to 147.4) I'll take that off again no prob.

    Cognitive restructuring.......I'll have to think about that one.