09/09 Friday~

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Hello, Everyone! I really hope that this gets through... I have been trying for the past day and a half to get anything on my computer to work... I 'm pretty sure the one for yesterday didn't even pop up like it should have! Ever since I had to update everything has been really really wonky. x.x

Anyway since it is 9-9 we are gong to use that as the basis of our exercises for today!

Today's Challenge: Do 9 different exercises with a set of 9!

You can do whatever you want to do! Just so long as you do 9 different ones 9 times!

Like I plan on doing : 9 pushups, 9 mins of jogging, 9 minutes of walking, 9 jumping jacks, 9 sit ups, 9 burpees, 9 bicep curls, 9 second wall sit, and 9 lunges

What about you?


  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    I already did 86 minutes of walking so I think I will follow up with 9 pushups, 9 sit-ups, 9 bridges, 9 pelvic tilts, 9 knee rotations, 9 lifts of the arms and legs alternately while on my knees(can't remember the name for that, something about a dog LOL), 9 jumping jacks and 9 squats with bicep curls, elbows out, arm lift then arm bends with 3#weights. Wish me luck!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,339 Member
    Nine is fine! 9x9 is a great challenge. Heading to search for the 9 I want.
  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    I fininished. this was a great challenge! It took about 15 min and burned about 50 calories.--and I did it after dinner and now I feel energized enough to take a short walk! Thanks Auna. :)