09/12 Monday Day 476

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Morning, Everyone! So! I feel really bad because I didn't realize what yesterday was until WELL after the fact... So to make up for it we are going to start our week off in rememberance!

Today's Challenge: Honor the fallen

Doesn't matter if you had someone in the twin towers or not. There is more than likely someone in your family that you can honor with the same amount of respect with what happened that day in mind. Just remember them. The good times. The bad times. Honor them in your mind or in some way.


  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    edited September 2016
    I woke up at 3 am and read stories about 9/11. What a time of horror and heroes.
  • motivatedeeat74
    motivatedeeat74 Posts: 69 Member
    thanks very uplifting remembering is really a somber effect most of the times be safe