Week 24 Daily Check-In Thread for (Monday September 12th through Sunday September 18th)

heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member


  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hello ladies! How is everyone today? Do you have any particular goals in mind for the week? I talked to my husband's aunt, who is a career dietician, about diabetes. Boy did she give me an education!!! She remotivated me and gave me some suggestions. The big thing is that I need to drastically increase my fruit and vegetable intake. So that's my goal for the week....to have fruits or vegetables at nearly every meal. and she said not just "1 serving". She said HALF A PLATE! yikes. I don't know if I can do that! Today for lunch I had an apple with peanut butter and 3 oz of fajita steak strips. delicious! For dinner I'm having a home made hamburger with the toppings, and half a plate of broccoli that was leftover from last night's dinner. Last night's dinner, btw, was chicken in a mushroom/dijon/onion sauce. Heaven on a plate! (And good on calories, too!) I made strips of chicken out of 6 or 7 breasts, (for 5 people) and it was ALL GONE. My family devoured it!

    My focus is still my diet, obviously. It continues to improve as I find new things and new substitutions, like whole wheat pasta instead of regular, which we are having this week.

    I've lost another lb. yea me!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Good goals @AZLisaLou ! I need to get creative again, in our food. I go in waves, some months I'm all 'chef-wannabe' then others is just survival of the fittest, hehe, with the boring, generic, 'protein, carbs, veggie' combo slapped on a pan or the grill... Hehehe
    My goals this week, manage to squeeze in 4 workouts, at least two of those at the gym. It's a super busy week with meetings and shtuff.... And the weekends, well, soccer games and I don't like leaving the boys home alone to go to the gym, so I'll probably jump on the treadmill.
    Biggest GOAL though, for the next 3 weeks, go to sleep on time!!!! When hubs travels, it's like it's party time for me, and I don't go to bed before midnight, which kills me, then up by 5:00am, I'm dead weight during the day... Plus I'm a big wuss, every little noise startles me and I wake up every couple of hours thinking I missed the alarm clock.... Hahahaha long term goals, work on my neuroticism!!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @heatherc369 happy birthday to the kid in a couple of hours! Hope you've recovered and are ready to tackle Disney!! Have fun!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @NadiaMayl those look like great goals. 4 workouts and the treadmill on the weekend is excellent! With 4 kids of my own I know how hectic the weekends can be. Did you get to bed on time last night?
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    I got to bed on time on the last two nights (even though I had book club last night!! I slept well on Tuesday, but last night, ggggeeeeeeeezzzzz, I kept waking up every hour, I'm going to be a true zombie today?
    I did the treadmill on Monday, I didn't do anything on Tuesday and I did my barbell class yesterday! Calories on point and water intake good.
    I have a meeting today in the am, I hope to be able to sneak to the gym afterwards!
    Hubby said here is a 30% chance he might get to come home at 2 weeks instead of 3!!!! I hope so... I miss my sac of potatoes! Hehehe that's what I call him when he's gone!
    How are you girls doing?
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Busy day, meetings, pep rallies, little sleep last night! Hopped on the treadmill around lunch time, got my 300 cals +\- and 2 miles done. Are "mostly" well, drank plenty of H2O.
    Bit sore from my Barbell class... I love feeling like lifting makes me stronger!
    I am now going nah-nahight!!!
    Hope everyone's having a good week!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Wow I'ts Friday and this is the first time i have checked in...BAD HEATHER!!!! Gota get my *kitten* together, Next week it's on!!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    This has been kind of a rough week for me, but I still managed to lose almost a lb. My blood sugar levels are continuing to drop. At the end of a week I average my morning readings and compare them as I go. This week's readings dropped an average of 19 points from the week before! I'll be at that 110 mark soon, as long as I can keep doing what I need to be doing. The past few days they've been a little higher though. I've just been so famished this week (ttotm), and I've had higher carbs than I typically would.

    This morning I thought I was making a good decision by having oatmeal for breakfast (whole grains like dh's dietician aunt said). What a carb bomb that is for me! my blood sugars 2 hours after I ate (when you should normally take a reading) were very high. I guess I have to mark oatmeal off my list. Or, have 1/2 as much and eat something else lower carb with it. I guess that's what a nutritionist would say...you need to eat fiber and more protein with your meals! So I guess I should have 1/2 as much, a fruit and maybe an egg or something. That probably would have been better for my sugars, but just making a bowl of oatmeal is a lot easier.

    Once every so often I get out my favorite oatmeal ingredients and put together baggies with everything measured out. That way I don't have to get everything out every time I want some oatmeal. It's very handy. But next time I need to measure 1/2 as much of everything.

    holy cow! Look at this post! sorry I rambled so much. I was just typing as I was thinking and I spit out a novel.
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @AZLisaLou no apologies! I love oatmeal! I make those mason jar oatmeals in the fridge. However, by now I'm used to it without any sugar. Just cinnamon, vanilla and frozen fruits. Yumm! Maybe you can try one of those?

    @heatherc369 we all get to a 'lazy' MFP week once in a while! That's ok. Seems like you're shedding the water weight!! Amazing what a few days of 'misbehaving' does to our systems, isn't it? And how it reacts by storing all that sodium and H2O!!! You're still on top of it, life is breaks and slowdowns, and that's ok!!!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    I've started making a habit of having an apple with peanut butter for lunch. I also usually have an atkins shake & milk sometime during the day. Today I didn't and I really wish I had. I only got in 5g of fiber all day. boo! Weekends are hard for me. And I've been falling back into the soda trap. I'm definitely a soda addict! If I hadn't had the soda I'd have been well under my calorie and carb goal for the day. As it was, I went over. Ah, well. I still feel like today went far better than most weekends. Tomorrow I'm going to start my day off with an atkins shake/milk, and definitely have an apple and p.b. for lunch. deliciously filling and carries me through. Considering I just came off ttotm, I think I did far better than I usually do during that week. I don't feel as bloated or weighed down as I typically do, so that's a great thing. Ready for Sunday!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Phew... Survived the weekend! Two soccer games at incredibly hot temperatures... I'm done with the heat... 1st game at 8:00am and it was hot and humid horribility. But, I did get on the treadmill in between games!
    Today was sorta lazy, woke up late, made breakfast, took monkeys to the Fine Arts Museum. I really wanted to see a Japanese light exhibit but when we got there, right at opening, the line was around the corner and the tickets sold out within 10 minutes... Booo. However, we did enjoy some Mondrian-like Art, some exhibits from the Oriental hall and the Islamic Halls! And the boys really enjoyed themselves! It was nice to have an 'adventure' in the city together! Then play date at the park... I did jump on the treadmill again tonight, just to catch up on steps, apparently 1.5 hrs of walking at the museum only gave me 3500steps, uummgghh...
    Calories, I didn't log, but, it couldn't have been too bad! Water, plenty!
    Off to start a new week tomorrow!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @NadiaMayl I know what those weekend games are like! My daughter had been playing club softball and she'd have weekend tournaments with 4-5 games on Saturday and until they lost on Sunday. Here in Phoenix the temps were always well over 100. And so talk about dedication....you went to the games in high heat AND got on the treadmill in between games??!!!! You are a warrior for sure. Sounds like you had a nice weekend all around with the boys.
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Thanks @AZLisaLou , some days are tougher than others!!! Yesterday's treadmill cost me an ovary and the half of the other... (since I don't have balls and all, hehe)! I couldn't make my legs go faster than 3.5 mph so I forced myself to watch Project Runway while walking!! Eating is always a bit floozy when hubs is out of town as well, a lot less time to plan and cook, so I try to up it a little!!!
    I still have days in which I kick myself for giving in to crap stuff, but it's less and less! And that feels good! I still want to drop a few more pounds but I know it's going to go slower and I also know I want to find that lifestyle balance rather than constantly worrying about gaining Tha one pound over the weekend. One. Day. At. A. Time!!!!