
kdeclerq Posts: 65 Member
I won't be posting much until I get some members. So introduce yourself and we will go from there! Welcome to the daily accountability group!!


  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    My usual daily accountability group seems to have become inactive during my time off the wagon so I am up for joining this one. I am following a healthy for me food plan and I will be weighing my food not myself because bathroom scales make me insane. i am morbidly obese and aiming to become healthy sized. I will judge when I have met that goal by what I see in mirror, what my partner sees and how my clothes fit.
  • ellistea
    ellistea Posts: 12 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi, I'm Laura - I guess I'm a woman of a certain age (!) - I'll be 59 next month.

    I like the idea of daily accountability or at least a commitment on Mondays. I'll post something over there in a few minutes. I was on WW and I basically know how to eat and I believe in moderation (generally . . .) so I am not cutting out certain food groups or foods. As far as I know I don't have any specific sensitivities, although I do need to watch my sugar which is tough as yes, sweets have always been the weakness.

    My overall goals are around health and fitness, although it would be nice to get rid of the quad chin (yes, I might need a lifestyle lift once the weight is gone - but I've got to start somewhere). My top weight was over 260, I'm around 230 right now - goal is about 175 (not crazy thin, just low enough that my doctor is happy and my knees quit screaming at me.)
  • NancyCaz61
    NancyCaz61 Posts: 136 Member
    Hi all I'm Nancy, also happy to find a daily accountability group. While I do not have a lot to lose, it's the most I've ever gained and now at 55 it seems so much harder to get it off. I have been diligently logging here for almost 100 days and love having the accountability of what I am logging.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all better! :)
  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello everyone, ^.^ My name is Jenny.
    My goal this week is starting to log better.
    I feel off the wagon after losing my father in law right after getting married. Its been an emotional rollercoaster for both my husband and I.
    My reason for losing weight is I suffer from infertility and I am really hoping to have children sometime in the next few years. My weight right now is 264.6lbs. I've been overweight my entire life but I feel like I am somewhat active. I have a diagnosed thyroid issue which makes things frustrating.

    +I would really like to lose 100lbs. I think that is a safe number.
    +Fit a size 16 by December.
  • sewhappy16
    sewhappy16 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all. I'm a Jenny also. :) I'm 60 and I've been struggling for quite a few years with an extra 20 pounds, which has now turned into 30. I typically join a group and then disappear after a few weeks or months or whenever I fail to follow my plan. Can you tell I'm a perfectionist??? Anyway, I'm going to try very hard to stick around this time. I find exercise is essential to keeping up my mood and that I lose, although slowly at this age, on around 1500 calories. Both are very doable, I just need to keep at it.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • drezsonya1
    drezsonya1 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm Denise and I have "fallen off the wagon" as of late. I NEED accountability to get back on track and to stay there!!!
  • drezsonya1
    drezsonya1 Posts: 9 Member
    If anyone wants to add me on as a friend please do - it's drezsonya1. I really need some active friends on MFP to help keep me on track :). I will be on here daily and would be happy to add you back and help cheer you on!!!
  • SandraScala
    SandraScala Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Sandy here, have been a member of MFP for some time, just don't know how to use the site fully yet. Looking to stay accountable and some help would be great. Have currently lost 23 lbs and would love to loose the last 10 lbs by February. Not sure how to add anyone else as a friend, but would love to make new friends on this site for support.