Week 26 Daily Check-In Thread for (Monday September 26th through Sunday October 1st)

heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
Will this be the week I finally pull my head out of my *kitten*??? I sure hope so!


  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    I talked to Jeff's dietician aunt yesterday when I took her and my mother in law some of my apple butter. We were talking about how diet changes need to be maintainable for the long-term. She suggested that I stop measuring and weighing my food for a while. She said, "You know what the servings look like...just estimate for a while. Then if you stop losing your lb a week, go back to it for a bit." I swear that gave me anxiety just thinking about not weighing and measuring my food. I'm a little bit obsessive about it. She thinks it would be freeing and good for a mental boost. I think it would cause me a nervous breakdown!

    The canning of my apple butter went well btw. I had a few things I did wrong, apparently, according to the in-depth directions I read after the fact. For example, you're not supposed to have the jars touch the bottom of the pot or each other while boiling. oops. Don't know why that is, but I did. Got a very good, very tight seal on the jars. Just to be safe I'm keeping them in fridge, but I think they will save for a long time. However, I don't think they'll last a long time. Jeff went through half a half pint yesterday by himself. He had it on toast and also on waffles. I had some in oatmeal and it was soooooo good!

    How is everyone's week starting off? @heatherc369 don't worry. You're going to do just fine. Just make a plan and stick with it as much as you can. Just refocus. You got this!!!

    Can I just admit right here and now that I get the two of you confused? I get the things we talk about mixed up between people, and I can't keep things straight. Now we added in the Facebook page with same people but different names. Oy. I try. I really do. lol
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Sometimes, when I need a break, I do t weigh or measure.... I do get burnt out of constantly thinking about the journey. But I know in the beginning, thinking of taking a break would send me in a panic! You need to do what is right for you, if not logging accurately stresses you out, then don't stop!
    All I know is that it's no big deal, right now, if I stay 150lbs for a few months...life is very busy right now, with too many added stressors. When I'm ready I'll push again, maybe tomorrow... I just know I need to remain watchful not to gain and continue with a healthy physical activity routine!
    It's funny that you will get us confused, Hehehehe, @heatherc369 is the one with the motivation to do all the squat, lunges, etc reps at work, I'm the lazy one who has to drag herself to the gym or the working out goes out the window! Hehe :P
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    Guess what ladies! I got a job!!! I've been working with a voc rehab lady to help me with the process. I've been on disability since 2007, so it's been a very long time since I've had a job. I'm nervous and excited. It's just at McDonald's, but it fits within my limited weird hours of 4am to 10am.
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @AZLisaLou that is fantastic!!! How exciting and scary and satisfying!!! It is not 'just' McDonald's, it's a new stage of your life with new challenges!!!! Very happy for you!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    I ate healthfully, drank my water, aaannnddd even though I had decided to skip the gym to catch up on chores, I changed my mind this afternoon and hubs took over dinner and night routine, and kicked me out so I could go to an afternoon spin class!!! And it was so good!!!
    Now to settle in and raise my blood pressure while trying NOT to watch the debate!!! :wink:
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    C'mon crazy ladies, get a strong midweek going!!!
    Had my water, surpassed steps, ate healthy, did my spin!!!
    I really really really want a power rack (cage) but can't excuse (nor do I have) $600 worth of equipment!!!!! And I am still so intimidated to go into the 'serious' side of the gym and do it!! And I don't want to pay a trainer either, with that, I might as well buy my rack..., hahaha see my conundrum!?
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    I haven't been logging, and I've gained 1.5 lbs to show for it. I just can't not weigh, measure and log. I also haven't been testing my blood throughout the day like I normally do. I've been drinking soda. ugh. It's my seriously major addiction.

    @NadiaMayl what is a power rack? sounds like a serious piece of equipment at $600.
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    Oh! One thing I ate today that was sinfully good (besides the ginger apricot dijon chicken I made for dinner) was a peanut butter, apple butter sandwich on whole wheat bread. Sooooo good. I wanted another one, but not giving in was probably the only good decision I made today. lol
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    When you fear you've gained an entire pound, ask yourself if you really are 3,500 calories above? Sometimes we do, but most often is water weight or fluctuations!!!
    What mattes is the long-term and the changes towards healthier habits!! Everything else will happen little by little!!
    I myself had a yuck day. I skipped the gym even though I had planned to. So I feel a bit lazy, but my body must've needed the break. Eating could've been better. Water was good.
    10 year old had a bad week last week, too much talking landed him in detention and he 'forgot' and misplaced some of his homeworks. So today, he had to make up some of the work. Stupid assignments in my opinion, and it's an online science program, where he had to draw some science stuff. The entire thing is glitchy and not easy for a kid who doesn't sit in front of the computer often. So, Ooohhhhhh Eeeeemmmmm. gggeeeeeeee,..., he got so frustrated and angry. Stomped and punched his floor. He gets those bits of rage when he feels hopeless and helpless. Makes me feel bad for him. Just try to let him breathe and guide him to a better approach after he's calmed down!!
    His 11 year old brother warmed my heart, tho! He asked what was wrong and on his own went to the computer and started doing his brothers homework. Which, honestly, I let him!!!! Once Liam calmed down, he went to join brother and finished the dumb assignment.
    I guess that brotherly lesson was more important than who solved the dumb homework.
    @heatherc369, hope you're surviving the day my dear!!!!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    That is a great brotherly lesson! Do they get along all the time (except for little spats)?

    I tried something new for the first time tonight. Well, two new things. First, it was take out night at McDonald's and I was already approaching my calorie limit and already over on carbs for the day. I decided to try their grilled chicken southwest salad. It was actually pretty dang good and filling. It must be the dressing then that has sugar because it has 27 carbs....still lower than anything else on their menu.

    Then, with my night time meds I took a cinnamon capsule. My doctor's nurse told me about it, that it's a natural remedy to reduce blood sugar levels for Type 2 diabetics. So I took a capsule and my night time reading was only 125! I received the Ceylon cinnamon capsules I ordered from Amazon. Cassia cinnamon is the common type that is found in most supplements and the type of cinnamon sold in the spice aisle. Cassia cinnamon contains Coumarin, which when taken regularly can cause liver failure (yikes!) But the Ceylon variety only contains trace amounts of if and is not toxic, although I read one article that said it's good to give it a break 2 days a week anyways. So I will only take it on weekdays. I thought that was an interesting tidbit to share.
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @NadiaMayl it's ok to give your body a break from the gym once in a while. Sometimes we just have those days, so remind yourself that overall you're doing great.

    @heatherc369 how is your week going? Are you doing ok?
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    I ordered a Garmin vivofit fitness band. It was less than 1/2 the price of a FitBit and got great reviews. I ordered it from Walmart, so if I don't like it I can always take it back and get something different. I figured with all the standing and moving around for my new job it might be interesting to track steps and stuff.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Me...not so much :(