Getting to know each other?

So, we come to this group, we add each other as friends, we support each other as best we can, but for the most part we don't really know much about one another do we?

I'm Becca, I'm 24 years old, from the UK and a Spa therapist by profession. I've just finished my degree in Spa and holistic therapy management and am due to graduate with a 1st in September. Straight after graduation I head down to London to start training for a job as a Spa therapist working aboard cruise ships. I have no idea where I'll be going yet and I won't find out until 24 hours before I join my ship but I'm hoping for somewhere sunny!

I've been trying to lose weight for a few years now with varying degrees of success, partly thanks to student life and parties and partly due to a lack of care. I've decided on a concerted effort now as I need to ensure I'm as healthy as I can be before I join the ships and I of course want to look good in my bikini, but also in an effort to motivate my little sister, who needs to lose some weight for her health, without making it sound like I'm pressuring her. Leading by example if you will.

I really enjoy reading all of your thoughts on my wall and look forward to seeing many more of your truly inspirational thoughts!

So, how about you?

B x


  • beeautygeek

    I'm Sarah, I'm 25 and originally from the South East, although I now live in the Midlands (UK). I am currently studying a degree in Natural Sciences with the open university. I am married and have a very supportive husband. We actually are quite newly married as we got married in November 2012! I have also lived in Swansea (Wales) which is where I met my husband so I have lived in a few places around the UK.

    I was a size 10 when I was 18 and gradually put on weight whilst living in Swansea (too much partying) and I am determined to get back to that size. My goal is to lose most of the weight by the end of the year as I am being a bridesmaid for my best friend who has recently lost 5 stone. What an inspiration!

    I love chatting with people on MFP and encouraging everyone so feel free to add me. I also love having a look at people's diaries so I can get some new ideas for meals and snacks :)

  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Hi I'm Hannah, 23, and live in North Carolina, USA. I graduated in 2012 with a psychology degree and currently work for the school I attended (UNC-Chapel Hill). I put on wayyy too much weight during my 4 years of school and really want to lose at least 40 lbs. I've been at it a few weeks and have lost 4 pounds so I'm ready to keep going! I've slowly been trying to get more involved with MFP and the message boards. I work out cardio/weight training 6 days a week thanks to my BF making me a great work out schedule. The hardest thing I've had to do so far is bounce back from a cheat meal/day. My downfall has always been those in the past but I'm determined to be able to handle those this time. I hate having to worry so much about my body and weight.

    Hope we can all help each other out to meet our goals!